Hi there,
If you are on this page it is because you are an action taker looking to change your life and I congratulate you!
So, are you already an entrepreneur and you want to create or grow an online business?
Or do you just want to find your purpose in life and lead a happy fulfilled life?
If either of those is you then this short letter may just be the most important letter you ever read!
Hi there! My name is Jason Daly and here's the truth you need to know about building a fulfilling life and profitable business…
Today, I'd like to tell you how I was able to take action and start truly building a profitable business which allows me to enjoy the lifestyle I desired…
How I was able to achieve this was much easier than you'd think. And I'd like to share that with you right now…
I’m a regular person just like you! I spent 15 years in the army and I learnt lessons there that have helped me find my true purpose and this has helped me to grow a successful online business…
And in the next few minutes you’re really going to learn what you must do to ensure that you can live a truly fulfilled life and to make sure that anything you do is a success…
By the end of this little letter…
You’ll understand, why it is so important to follow a proven game plan…
You’ll actually learn how to find your purpose…
And discover the advantages of having it and how to grow it…
And this is so powerful that it unleashes your true potential… And explodes your life and business!
And because this system you’re going to hear about is not just another “how to” information product this information is suitable for anyone…
You will approach life differently which will increase your chances of success and you will have a fulfilling life and a profitable business…
Regardless of any prior struggles you may have had in the past whilst trying to find your true calling…
Look: it’s no secret that more and more business is being done online than ever before…
And I’m sure you already know more and more people are turning to the internet to search for the solutions to their problems…
People will always be willing to pay for quality information to help them in all areas of their life…
After all this is what you are doing right now…
You have decided that you want more out of life, to enjoy life…
You want to find your purpose and build a career around your passion but if you approach any of this incorrectly you may see very little sales and your confidence will drop and self-doubt appears…
So you need the correct business strategy and a strong reason why to overcome any frustrations…
And a crucial part of that strategy is to develop and follow a proven plan…
During my time in the army I was sent on a night navigation exercise where I was dropped onto a mountain side in the dead of night with the task of navigating back to my base in the quickest possible time...
Now, I had just started to create my first product for my business and this was the perfect time to think whilst marching through the blackness… I was lost in all the steps that were required to create a product, market it and make money so I decided to break it down into a “mission blueprint” similar to those used to organize the task I was involved in that night…
Each phase was identified and further broken down into individual achievable missions and this was very exciting as I was actually formulating a step by step plan! Needless to say, the night flew by and I reached my destination in a very quick time…
In fact I was the first soldier back, reaching the camp over 4 hours ahead of anyone else…
But the real aha moment came when I sat down and gathered my thoughts…
What I had done was find my why whilst formulating my plan…
My mindset and way of thinking had made a massive shift for the positive… I had found my passion… my true purpose…
It only takes a few minutes looking through articles on sites like entrepreneur.com to realise that you need to develop a positive mindset to succeed in anything in life...
Now, like most well intentioned people who are struggling with finding the real reason why you want to have an online business, you have probably been misled towards solutions that have given you results that are less than par...
Unfortunately, you likely know what I'm talking about from first hand experience...
You've tried your hand at social media marketing, which ended up with you losing a lot of money on advertising costs
You've bought numerous information products teaching the latest tactics, resulting in losing a lot of time and money in the process
You've bought software or products that promise to take advantage of a "secret loophole" which led to absolutely nothing!
The sad thing is that many people fail before they even start!
Why do people fail?
Is it technology? No
Is it a lack of money? No
Is it a lack of time? No
Now you may think that all these things are reasonable obstacles and they are but it goes much deeper than that…
And one of the main reasons is…
They don’t have a positive mindset and a powerful enough why…
And believe me, I was guilty of this too…
All I wanted was to be able to build a profitable passion based business , and instead was left spinning my wheels…
That's when I discovered a foolproof formula that I'd like to share with you now...
Because if you have watched this far…
I believe that you are different…
All you need is a little persistence…
Find your purpose and monetize it…
And you’ll achieve success!
So don’t be discouraged especially if you have tried before and not got the results you wanted…
And remember: Most experts started off where you are today…
Are you ready to start your journey now? If you are, you're going to want to write this down…
Alright, ready? Here it is…
There are quite a few reasons to find your “why”, your reason for getting up in the morning and doing what you do…
Finding your purpose can be a powerful thing and it goes well beyond the satisfaction of knowing you’re doing something worthwhile… Let’s take a look at how finding your "why" can enable you to do what you really want and get paid for it in the process!
Are you jumping out of bed in the morning?
Do you jump out of bed in the morning ready to face the day and get to work?
Waking up with dread in the morning doesn’t sound like a lot of fun and isn’t how I want to live my life… I’m willing to bet you don’t either…
What make the difference is having a purpose and finding your passion…
When you find that purpose and passion driven job or business, it suddenly becomes easy to get your work done. There is no better self-motivator than passion and purpose...
If you’re ready to look forward to going to work and getting more done than you ever thought possible, find your purpose and make that your job…
What’s your “why”? Why are you on this earth and how can you make a difference…
Who can you help, who can you entertain, or whose life can you make just a little easier? Find your “why”, find your purpose and everything else will click into place…
Making a living is about much more than just money…
Your life should be about more than how much money you have or how big your house is. When you start to think about it, that really isn’t what makes us happy…
Work should be fun…
You spend a large amount of time at work every day. For most of us that’s 8 or more hours five days a week. If you’re running your own business, it’s likely a lot more. That’s a lot of time to be doing something you don’t enjoy…
Work should be fun. Time flies when you’re having fun and not only will you get a lot done, you’ll feel good about what you’re doing…
When you live with purpose and follow your passion, you’ll find other people with the same or similar “why”…
Work and life should be fulfilling.. When you work on something you’re passionate about and find your purpose, your job suddenly becomes a lot more fulfilling. Having a job or business that fulfills you is important…
Work should raise your self esteem and your self worth…
Have you ever been in a work situation where you were constantly put down? Not fun is it? Instead, work should raise your self-esteem and give you a feeling of self-worth…. If you know without a shadow of a doubt that you’re fulfilling your purpose and doing something that’s important to you, you’ll get good at it and the people around you will notice…
You’re making a difference and with that come all the self-esteem and self-worth you ever need…
Work should make you happy…
Make sure your job or business is something that makes you happy…
And guess what? As you start to follow your passion, work becomes more fun, more fulfilling and you’ll start to feel better about yourself as a person…
And with that comes happiness…
Create a legacy…
One more important aspect of why you should find a purpose-driven job or business is to create something that survives you. We only have a limited time on this earth…
Life doesn’t last forever, but what you choose to do for a living can have an impact that outlasts you…
Let’ say your passion is to help people improve their nutrition and their weight with the help of green smoothies…
You build an online business around making these smoothies…
You write a book about it, you share recipes and how-to videos. In other words you share your passion for this healthy food…
As a result your readers, subscribers, and customers start to eat better and even lose some weight. They are reversing the damage they have done to their body and end up leading longer and healthier lives…
It could go even deeper than that. Let’s say they are also leading by example and are getting their kids and friends interested in making and drinking green smoothies…
The passion you are sharing is suddenly creating a ripple effect that goes well beyond what you originally set out to do. You’re touching the lives of people you’ve never met…
Now, I hope you agree that those are pretty compelling reasons for building a profitable passion based business…
And that’s what you want right?
It's the training that will allow you to take action and start truly building a profitable business and to enjoy the lifestyle you desire…
You will find your purpose and be excited to jump out if bed in the morning and impact people’s lives…
And you can make this change in a few short weeks…
So what is Finding Your Why all about?
It’s a complete and comprehensive multi-media package…
Walks you through each and every piece and step of building an amazing fulfilled life based around your passion based business… And blasts through any confidence issues you may have to make you feel great about you and your purpose…!
And: I’m so confident that the finding your why training will enable you to have the breakthrough and success you deserve…
I’ll even let you try it risk free…
Just use the entire course to find your purpose and to develop your passion based business.
And if it doesn’t give you a plan to find your purpose and your why to really move your life and business forward…
It won’t cost you a dime!
Now before telling you everything you get, there’s one thing I need you to be aware of:
Warning: this program was not designed to be fun!
It was designed to help you take an honest look at your life, build a business around your passion and authority and that takes time and effort…
So if you’re not willing to work hard to life beyond most others…
This program is not for you. If, on the other hand, you are serious about leading a fantastic, fulfilled life and being a successful entrepreneur…
And you are serious about building a business you can be proud of and a life that is rich and supports your needs, then…
Follow Your Passion By Finding Your Why is definitely for you…
So, let me tell you what you get today with this package:
First off, Follow Your Passion By Finding Your Why isn’t just a little ebook or pdf.
This way, whatever your preferred method of getting the details on developing your passion and finding your true calling, you have it at your disposal with the follow your passion and find your why training …
And best of all...
You'll start seeing results with the Follow Your Passion By Finding Your Why training in a few short weeks as your passion increases, and this will make you happier and much more likely to succeed and have the life and business you so truly deserve…
And, of course, that's not all…
Because I want to make this as simple as possible for you, you'll also receive some great free bonuses that are going to give you a huge leg up…
Now, I'm not going to lie…
A lot of time and money went into putting this all together, and others have been willing to pay me a ton of money to get their hands on this…
Today, however, I'm going to give you an inside look at everything for a ridiculous price...
I mean how much is finding your true purpose in life and living a happy fulfilled life worth to you?
Well, this entire package, not including the bonuses, has a true retail value of at least $97.00
But you are not going to pay anywhere near that… Why? Because I wish someone had done it for me when I was in your shoes…
And because I can give you immediate access today by giving you a digital copy of the entire Follow Your Passion By Finding Your Why training, there are minimal costs and expenses for me…
So I am able to give you access to the entire package for well below the $151.00 value…
In fact: today as part of a marketing test you can grab the entire package including the manual, checklist and audio AND the 2 bonuses…
And, remember: you can try out the whole thing risk-free…
And if it doesn’t help you to find your true purpose, give you inspiration to develop a passion based business and live your best life just shoot me an email, and you’ll get a complete 100% refund. No questions asked…
As soon as you enter your details into the secure form you’ll be given instant access to everything…
All I ask in return is that when you get results with Follow Your Passion By Finding Your Why, you share your results with me…
And oh...
One more thing…
Every day wasted is another opportunity missed to find your why and change your life…
Create an amazing fulfilling life by developing your why and turning your passion into a job that will help you to achieve long lasting success for you and your family…
The Follow Your Passion By Finding Your Why training holds the key to your success by finding your passion and giving you confidence to pursue it and live life on your own terms…
So take action and grab your copy and the two free bonuses by clicking on the orange add to cart button below…
As soon as you enter your details into the secure form you’ll be given instant access to everything…
I’m not sure how long I’m going to offer this package at just $27…
Or if I’ll continue to offer all the different components, let alone the two bonuses at no extra fee…
So, if you want to get everything I said, and get it all for just $27…
If you’re serious about living a fulfilling life…
Doing something that you love doing and making money in the process…
There is no single better way than using the Follow Your Passion By Finding Your Why training …
And putting what you learn into action…
Here's a selection of frequently asked questions from our customers:
Q. How is this training delivered?
A. You’ll get instant access to a PDF version of this guide along with the audio version too. There’s no waiting… You can get started RIGHT NOW. You will be sent your login details immediately after purchase and you can dive right in!
Q. Is there a guarantee?
A. You bet. You get a full 30 days to make sure this is for you. If for any reason, or no reason at all, you’re not 100% satisfied, simply send me an email, and I’ll refund every penny of your tiny investment…
No questions asked!
Q. How long until I see results?
A. Although changing your life for the better is often a gradual process, there are many things you can start doing today to become happier, more fulfilled, and begin building the life (and business) of your dreams. And by applying what you learn here you can get there MUCH quicker. The key is to take action!
Q. How much?
A. Although I would normally sell this for $97, I’ve slashed the price and I’m letting this go for just $27. My mission to get everything I want in life is to help as many people as possible change their lives for the better. By setting this at a price that anyone can afford, I hope you’ll jump on this and get access to this truly life-changing training.
A. Just click on the button below now and you’ll get instant access to everything…