3 Quick Tips To Successfully Manage Stress

Everyone deals with some form of stress in their life, and it’s not always easy to find relief. Family and work obligations, personal goals, financial issues; it can seem never-ending.
But here’s the good news: there are simple ways to effectively manage your stress levels so that they never get to a point where you find yourself crippled by it.
Sure, there’s no possible way to avoid stress entirely. But there are ways of learning to identify stress triggers, manage stress levels and cope with the stress and anxiety you simply can’t avoid.
In this article, we’ll look at just three of the many ways you can improve the quality of your life by learning how to properly manage your stress levels and you’ll see that stress management doesn’t have to be complicated.
Best of all, every method featured in this article is based on 100% natural remedies and solutions.
Are you ready to finally learn how to identify the signs of stress and to quickly and efficiently manage your stress levels so you can live the life you deserve?
Let’s begin!
Get Active

An easy, natural, yet incredibly powerful method of reducing stress is as simple as putting one foot in front of the other and increasing your day-to-day physical activity levels.
For those of us who spend a good amount of our time sitting behind a desk, getting in some exercise isn’t always something we make time for – but it’s an important component in resetting your mind and body, which will ultimately help you to minimize stress levels.
When you think of committing to a regular exercise routine, you might feel overwhelmed. After all, most of us live extremely busy lives and it’s not always easy to find that extra time to squeeze in a work out.
But in truth, all it takes is 15 to 30-minutes a day, most days of the week, to see an increase in your overall mood and stress levels. Plus, there are simple ways to incorporate exercise into your existing lifestyle, such as purchasing a work desk that allows for adjustable height so that you can spend a few minutes every hour standing while working.
Every time we exercise, our bodies naturally release endorphins. These endorphins are hormones that travel throughout our body, giving us a boost of energy, and actively ridding the body of stress and anxiety.
To get an idea of just how much exercise can improve your mood by releasing these powerful endorphins, take 10 minutes and either walk or jog lightly in place.
Incorporating exercise into your life will also help with your stress levels if you’re overweight or suffering from other types of health problems. It’s a win-win!
Exercise contributes to a healthier lifestyle, thereby fighting obesity and helping your body perform at the top of its game.
If you’re concerned about your weight, start by walking 20-minutes a day, and if necessary, break it up into 10 or even 5-minute sessions.
You’ll be surprised at how much stress you’ll relieve just with some basic exercise, and you may also lose some weight!
In addition to these benefits, exercise can also give you some much-needed alone time so that you can reset your mind and spirit.
Whether you’re a parent with a full-time job outside of the home, a college student who is constantly surrounded by roommates, or you simply live a hectic, pressure-ridden lifestyle, everyone needs some time by themselves.
Throw on some headphones and listen to your favorite podcast, or leave them at home and just workout in peace. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your stress will subside just by giving yourself the opportunity to recharge.
Between releasing endorphins and getting away from it all, plus making a healthy lifestyle change, you’ll find that exercise is a natural stress relief that everyone can benefit from. Give it a try!
Limit Incoming Noise

Access to the Internet has brought a lot into our world: convenience, social networking, the ability to work from just about anywhere. But with it comes an extraordinary amount of stress.
Just think about the last time you sat down to watch your favorite television show. You were probably distracted by your mobile device, which means that you most likely didn’t absorb everything that you watched.
And it’s not your fault.
We’ve become almost numb to the sound of notifications going off on our phones and tablets, incoming emails, alerts and a myriad of other online signals that pull our attention in a hundred different directions.
If you work online, the constant incoming noise can leave you overwhelmed and stressed. You feel pressured to respond to customers quickly, or perhaps you’re trying to manage several different businesses at once and find yourself constantly having to refocus your attention because you have so many things happening at once.
It’s important to learn to cut out the noise, disconnect and recharge your mental and emotional batteries.
Not only will this help you manage stress levels by giving yourself a mental “time out”, but ultimately, the downtime will boost creativity levels and help you run your business more efficiently!
The most important time to disconnect from the internet, however, is shortly before we go to bed.
Staring at a screen and scrolling has been linked to insomnia-related issues (which leads to high stress levels). For a good night’s sleep, turn off all mobile devices about an hour before your bedtime.
Try reading a magazine or physical book or watch some light TV. Do some type of activity that isn’t too engaging but still somewhat stimulating so that your mind is able to stay focused while still being able to wind down and relax.
If you’re concerned about someone not being able to get a hold of you in case of an emergency, then turn off your notifications in the settings section of your phone and tell people to only call you for emergencies beyond a certain time.
It’s important to focus on your own personal downtime every day, even if it’s just an extra hour away from the chaos of your business life. There’s only so long you can move at a rapid pace before getting burn out, so learning to set a schedule and sticking to it will ensure you’re always performing at your very best.
Get Enough Sleep

Another natural way to reduce stress is to make sure that you get enough, but not too much-sleep.
When we don’t rest enough at the end of our day, our body can tense up and it leads to irritability and depression. And when we’re irritable or depressed, we’re stressed.
On the other hand, that doesn’t mean you should sleep for an incredibly long time.
If you sleep longer than your body actually needs, then you can become sluggish and listless which can also lead to stress when you’re unable to meet deadlines, get through your personal to-do list or simply feel down that you aren’t being productive.
Oversleeping can make you just as irritable and stressed out as not getting enough sleep.
To determine just how much sleep your body needs, it’s important to establish a regular sleep schedule, even on your days off.
It will force your brain go into shutdown mode at the same time every night, regardless of what you have planned for the next day.
Once you make this change and catch up with your sleep, you’ll find that you’re less stressed, and overall, much happier.
To establish a regular sleeping pattern, you’ll just need to do a few things each and every day.
First, you’ll want to avoid any exercise about 2-3 hours before your scheduled bedtime.
As mentioned earlier in this article, exercise creates endorphins that give us energy. And while that’s a good thing, you want to give your body adequate time every night to wind down.
You can take it a step further with a warm bath, too. Consider taking one with some essential oils an hour or so before bedtime.
Vanilla and lavender are naturally calming scents, plus they complement each other very well.
Another way to relax your body is with food. Try having a banana or two, or a handful of peanuts, or even a turkey sandwich about three hours before bedtime.
These foods contain tryptophan, which after being consumed, creates melatonin: a hormone that makes us sleepy.
But avoid eating too close to your bedtime, as doing so can cause heartburn and acid reflux.
Getting the perfect night’s sleep is an easy and natural way to keep stress at bay!
Managing stress requires self discipline and if you want to know more about harnessing the power of self discipline, check out the featured resource below for a free report; download, read it and take action 🙂