
How To Get More Loyal Blog Followers

How To Get More Loyal Blog Followers

How To Get More Loyal Blog Followers

Blogging is an effective way to expand your business, attract more clients, and maintain relationships with your current customers. But how do you make your blog visitors into loyal followers?

It really boils down to posting relevant content and finding ways to remind them about you via email, social media and even ads.

Let’s look at the ways you can get more loyal blog followers and keep them coming back for more.

By the way, if you are serious and want to take your blogging to the next level, check out the Rapid Blogging Blueprint. This is a premium level training that takes you through each and every step of setting up your own highly profitable blog and profiting from it. You can check it out here.

OK, let’s dive in…

Post More Content

You’ve heard that before. But it’s not that simple. You can’t post anything and end up with fans following you and begging for more. You have to know who your audience is, and what they need to know and post that. Content needs to be relevant and of a high quality to be effective.

  • Relevant – The only way you can ensure that your content is relevant is if you do the work necessary to get to know your audience so that you can deliver the type of content they want and need.
  • High Quality – While you do not have to be perfect, don’t just slap up anything. If you buy PLR, ensure that you rewrite it and make it your own. If you outsource any writing, edit the writing, and put your voice into it, and always add a watermarked image so that when it’s shared it comes back to you.
  • Consistent – Finally, post consistently. You don’t have to blog every single day. You want to blog multiple times a week and provide meaningful content to your audience. Otherwise, they might get bored and stop visiting.

When you post relevant, high-quality content on a consistent basis in a variety of forms such as images, video, text and so forth your audience will be more likely to stay interested in what you have to say which will make them keep coming back, sharing, and engaging with you.

Plus, potentially buying something you created or promote.

Promote Your Content

Just posting content is not enough. There are more than 100 million blogs in existence.

That’s worse than a needle in a haystack. For anyone, including your customers, to find you, you’re going to have to promote each piece of content that you post.

  • Social – Whatever social media your audience uses, you need to be using. While you can’t use them all 100 percent alone, you can at least choose the top three that is most popular with your audience. If you can outsource some of your social media marketing then you can do more, but at least start with the top three. Share and engage about your blog posts to bring more traffic and create more interest in your content.
  • Make it Simple to Share – Don’t make it hard on your readers to share. Get a social plugin that enables you to add share buttons at the top and bottom of your posts. Make it a point to ask your audience to “click the like and share buttons.” Make it part of your call to action.
  • Get Them on Your List – In addition, put a box at the bottom of every single page to encourage your readers to sign up for your newsletter. offers a really great and attractive option for “lead boxes” that you can put on your blog to help people get what they need.

You can do this easily with a few plugins, but – do not forget to engage with your audience when they comment on your shares. You don’t want communication to be only one way.

You want to build relationships so that they don’t just want to read your blog due to the great information; they want to read it because they care about you.

Provide A CTA

A call to action (CTA) is so important if you really want to make a difference. There are different ways to create a call to action.

Your CTA can include asking your audience to share, like, follow, join, sign up, buy or whatever it is that you want them to do.

If you really want them to take action, clearly state what you want them to do.

  • Ask for a Comment – A great way to get your audience to act and come back for more is to generate more comments to your posts. You can get people to comment more if you ask them to.
  • Be the Devil’s Advocate – If you really want to get comments rocking, try being controversial. This can be risky so be mindful of the potential repercussions. Try calling out a situation that makes you mad, sad, and upset. But try to end it on a positive note if possible.
  • But a Subscribe Button after the Post – A great way to get people to subscribe for blog updates is to put a Lead Box on the bottom. You can use for this. It works well and it was developed by marketers.
  • Offer a Free Discovery Call – A great way to get your reader’s attention is to offer a short 15-minute discovery call. Put a sign up box below the post along with words that attract their attention and get them to want to give their email address to sign up for the call.
  • Ask Them if They Want to Learn More – A really effective CTA asks your readers if they want to learn more, then using an attractive “learn more” button will entice the reader to click. On the learn more page it can either be more information or you can make it an easy one step opt-in box so that you can send them more information via email.
  • Give Them a Special – If you’ve talked about specific products or pain points in the blog post and you know about a product or have created a product that will help them, make them a special offer at the bottom of the blog post.
  • Offer a Freebie – Match your freebies with the topic of your blog post and offer a download button for the freebie that relates to the blog post. Collect their email address so that you can add them to your list. If you use software like, you can avoid sending to duplicate email addresses on your list, while still offering the freebie to your readers.
  • Ask Them to Join Your Mailing List – Get right to the point and ask them if they want to learn more, get reminds of new posts, and so forth and ask them to sign up for your mailing list. Let them know the benefits of doing so, and you’ll get more sign ups if the sign up box is after your posts.

There are many more ways to get your audience to act on your content, but you’ll need to tell them what to do. People are relatively lazy, so make it easy for them. You’ll get a better response.

Give Stuff Away

Freebies, lead magnets, tripwires, ethical bribes, opt-ins, and so forth can be lucrative ways to collect email addresses from your audience so that you can market to them via email.

When you give away small things to help them accomplish their goals, you’ll endear yourself to them in a new way.

To give away stuff without giving away the farm, follow these tips:

  • Use PLR – To create your freebies consider using private label rights information that will appeal to your audience and help further your relationship.
  • One Problem – Help them solve one small problem, not the entire kit and caboodle. You want them to come back for more, so in your freebie give them enough to show them your work quality and skills but don’t give them the farm.
  • One Customer – Don’t try to please everyone, make each of your offerings focus on one persona / customer at a time. Create a profile for the ideal customer and direct your product only to the people that fit the profile. This works better than trying to appeal to everyone.
  • Make it Short – A checklist, a spreadsheet, a simple app – these things won’t take much time and money for you to create but will make a huge impact on your audience member if you are careful to ensure it fits your audience.

Remember that you can also choose to “give it away” for just a buck.

Optionally, if you use a system like, you can let them pay whatever they want, as long as it’s at least a dollar.

When a freebie isn’t actually “free” but is very inexpensive it can make more to the user and make them value you more

When they value you more, they’ll be more likely to come back. Remember inside your opt-in provide a link back to your blog, and to other products, services, and offerings you have.

Get Visual

People get bored without pretty and interesting things to look at. In the case of your blog, you also want the images to be relevant.

You want them to expand on your point and help your audience not only understand but to remember the information you provide.

Images can brand you in such a way as to ensure that your audience really remembers you.

  • Images – You can get stock photos from a variety of sources including,, and others. Be sure to read the licensing agreement and try to learn about copyright laws and fair use.
  • Video – Today, video is one of the best ways to create a loyal audience as well as engage with them. They love seeing your face and feeling as if they know you. You can create video the easy way or the hard way. Easy – use your phone and decent lighting. Hard – buy professional equipment. Either way, video will get great results.
  • Graphics – Infographics, memes and charts are a great way to explain hard concepts to any audience. There are awesome programs. A great infographic software to try is You can also hire a graphic designer to help you. If you have the data, they can create the graphic.

You can use programs like to create amazing graphics and use your phone to make video.

Today, it’s not impossible for an amateur to create wonderful images, video, and graphics but if your skills aren’t up to par, don’t think it’s too expensive to get help from a professional.

Build Authority And Awareness

Another way to get more loyal blog followers is to become the go-to person in your niche.

You can be viewed as the authority by being a guest on a podcast, TV show, blog, and so forth.

You can also build authority by demonstrating your skills by creating amazing products and services that your audience wants to use.

  • Write Long Form Posts – Long posts, more than 1500 words in length, are a great way to show what you know. Well-organized, long content pieces show that you know your stuff. When you know your stuff, people will gravitate to your content.
  • Publish a Book – When you can put your knowledge down in book form people automatically view you as smarter, more successful, and intelligent. Don’t let a book scare you, if you can write a blog post, you can write a book, one page at a time.
  • Speak – You can speak in public events, or by creating a YouTube channel, or even by recording talks and publishing on your blog. When people can speak clearly, tell a story, and explain concepts in this manner it automatically makes them seem more authoritative.

Another way to build authority is simply by finding your authentic voice and using it on your blog and across all social media networks that you and your audience use.

When you are simply yourself, it’s a lot easier than being false because no one can be false forever.

Engage With Others

As a blogger, there is almost nothing more important than truly engaging and interacting with your audience.

You want your audience to comment, like, share and sign up to your lists or buy your products and services and you can accomplish that is by being engaging and encouraging.

To encourage engagement, it’s important that you know how to get them to respond.

It all starts with truly knowing your audience. Understand that even if you did a lot of audience research five years ago when you began your blog that even when demographics stay the same often audiences grow and change.

For example, imagine what it would be like if Dawn dishwashing soap still marketed to you using the same techniques and issues from the 1950’s?

The message probably wouldn’t even reach you and if it did, it would not go over well. Stay up to date and interact with them in a way that makes them happy. After all, it’s really about them, not you.

The Money’s In The List

The final thing you need to know about blogging and keeping a loyal fan base is that you should focus on bringing them back to your blog, every chance you get.

There are many ways to do this.

  • Blog Broadcast – If you have an autoresponder, for every post you create, also create an email to talk about a similar topic and then link back to the blog post so that they can learn more.
  • Social Media – Announce blog posts on social media with a unique blurb. You can post about the new post more than once on each platform, more on Twitter, but don’t make each post a duplicate of the other. Instead, add a unique blurb to each one, even if it’s the same link.

You want to find ways to bring readers and customers back to your blog to read your new blog posts, as well as learn about your products, services, and programs.

When you have a way to interact with your audience on a regular basis through blog comments, social media, email, books, public speaking and more will help people become even more loyal to you as a blogger and an expert.

You don’t have to do everything at once, but you can start by adding sing up boxes to your blog posts and sharing more on social media. As you build up your blog, do more. Track everything so that you know what works and what doesn’t work. Do more of what is working and less of what is not working.

If you really want to know more about the power of blogging, you can take a look at the Rapid Blogging Blueprint training course or if you just want a few pointers for now you can grab the featured resource below for a  free blogging report; download, read it and take action 🙂

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Being A Little Unfocused Can Sometimes Increase Creativity

Many people put too much effort into being creative. If you’re not naturally creative, you may be tempted to force it by sitting down and concentrating intensely, just like you would with more serious work.

It has been demonstrated that being a little unfocused can actually encourage creativity, although that may appear counterproductive. People get their creative ideas from a variety of sources.

It’s extremely uncommon to come up with something creative and original by concentrating intensely on one thing. Instead, if you can relax a little, you’ll be able to absorb more information from the world around you, which frequently leads to greater creativity.

This is not to say that being completely distracted will help you be more creative. You’ll eventually stop being creative because you’ll be so unfocused and distracted from your task at hand that you won’t even give it a passing thought.

Semi-focus is the equivalent of taking in all the sounds of the forest while aimlessly scanning the area. It’s not totally losing yourself in an online show and becoming so preoccupied that you lose all creativity.

You could compare it to having tunnel vision. The majority of the time, having it is bad, and this situation is no exception. You won’t notice anything else if you concentrate so hard on one thing.

Your ability to be creative may suffer as a result. You severely restrict your ability to be creative if you shut out all of the other sources of inspiration around you.

It’s crucial that you lose focus when it matters. Social media is a very popular form of distraction, but it usually won’t do you much good, so try to stay away from it if you can.

Instead, you ought to be unfocused and fully present in your surroundings, such as public spaces and residential areas, soaking up all the sights and sounds you can.

There’s always daydreaming if those settings don’t inspire you to be creative. Daydreaming, which is typically regarded as unproductive, may actually help you think more creatively than you previously realised. This is especially true if the project you’re working on is constantly on your mind.

Pay Attention To Your Instincts About When (And When Not) To Work

You will occasionally reach a point where you are simply too exhausted from the day to concentrate or be creative. You’re only now completely prepared for a break. You couldn’t accomplish that if you followed the typical 9–5 strict schedule.

Although you’re not required to do that, you can choose to take a short break for your own benefit since continuing to work when you can’t do it well is a poor decision.

You should give yourself a little more time to recover before you start up again if there are times when you simply don’t feel like you can produce quality work or content. You’ll have to redo some of that work later because it won’t be up to par if you’re trying to create content without being either focused or creative.

Knowing when to stop will help you avoid having to redo work later or, worse yet, finding yourself in the awkward position of having to apologise to customers for sending them subpar work.

You wouldn’t need to do that if your productivity was at its peak. Do not overindulge in the freedom that comes from not having to adhere to a strict schedule. A lot of people might start abusing it, and because they never feel as though they want to work, they never put in enough effort.

Even if you don’t want to work, you still need to schedule time for it. This is only for those instances when you truly believe that you are unable to work even just a little bit more. You should give yourself some time to unwind and reenergize once you’ve reached the point where you genuinely aren’t able to complete anything else of quality.

Similar to refuelling your car after a long drive Even if you do have to pause for a while, you must do it in order to proceed with your progress. Making yourself do work you don’t want to do has to be the worst thing you can do to yourself.

If taking a quick break is what’s best for your business, then that should be what you do. Keep your pride at bay so you don’t have to work harder than necessary and produce subpar results. Take some time off, then return to give it all you’ve got.

Set Limits With Clients, Customers, And Colleagues

If you’ve worked closely with clients and consumers as a business owner in the past, you know that it can occasionally be a taxing experience. Some clients can be very aggressive and demanding when it comes to your services, but the majority of clients are friendly, and the entire encounter goes by without incident.

Similar things can be said about some co-workers; although some are responsible and rarely ask you to do something, others will try to force their workload onto you and rely too heavily on you. You’ll encounter time constraints with clients and customers rather frequently.

Customers can be highly impatient if you run a firm that deals in custom-made goods, whether they be images, logos, or even data. Because they may not be aware of how much work you have, they may keep asking you to stop what you’re doing and complete their tasks for them.

Of course, there is a little reciprocity involved here. They shouldn’t be given something they were promised in two weeks just to receive it in two months. However, if they’re asking for it weeks before the time you promised to give it to them, it’s time to set a boundary and stop letting them control you.

You should concentrate on any other clients who were promised deliverables sooner. Your entire work schedule shouldn’t be determined by one client. Co-workers provide a very similar issue.

It can begin innocently enough, with you assisting them briefly when you have far less work and they are overburdened. Although this is a great gesture, they might grow accustomed to it.

Over time, your co-worker can begin to assign you additional work that they don’t want to perform, making your workload heavier. You should eventually set boundaries and inform them that you need to concentrate on your own tasks.

The development of technology has made this issue even more widespread. People no longer need to go through the hassle of either visiting you in person or writing you a letter; instead, they can just send you an email or instant message, or even give you a call using Skype or Zoom.

This increases the frequency of this kind of behaviour, so you should be on the lookout for it before it drains you.

As you can appreciate, a lot of this is dependent on the way you think and if you want to know more about developing a good mindset for success, please click on the featured resource below for a free Strong Mindset report; download, read it and take action 😊

Time Blocking
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How To Create Compelling Content That Captivates Your Audience

What do you need to create content that engages your audience? The answer is simple: You need to focus on what matters to them. In order to do that, you need to understand your audience and what matters to them.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create content that captivates your audience and helps you achieve your business goals.

If you follow the 6 simple steps below, your content creation will be far more engaging and useful to your readers and this will boost your credibility and authority with them and will hopefully result in more leads and sales for your business.

By the way, if you are serious and want to take your content marketing and your blogging to the next level, check out the Rapid Blogging Blueprint. This is a premium level training that takes you through each and every step of setting up your own highly profitable blog and profiting from it. You can check it out here.

Ok, let’s jump in…

Understand Your Audience

Who are you writing for? This is a question that all content creators must answer before starting to write. By understanding your audience, you can create content that is relevant and engaging for them.

The first thing to mention is how highly valuable it is to have a general understanding of human nature. An authentic and personable message that can easily establish rapport and trust tends to resonate well with people.

Along with a unique perspective on subjects that may be a little challenging or at least thought-provoking, some passion and humour are some other features that connect with people.

However, it’s also crucial to have a thorough understanding of the specific niche you’re aiming for. The question “What’s in it for them?” must be asked frequently. You must be aware of their needs and wants. How will you meet their needs and fulfil their desires?

Identify What Engages Your Audience

Playing “question and answer” is one of the easiest ways to involve and engage with your audience. Ask thought-provoking questions that really get people thinking or provide answers to recurring queries and objections. Simply structuring your content as a dialogue rather than a monologue enhances the sense of interaction.

Some fundamental elements of interacting with your audience include trying to present yourself as a distinct and fascinating individual with genuine value and a powerful message.

Additionally, you are more likely to maintain your audience’s attention and keep them coming back for more if you add dialogue into your story that imparts useful information in a fun way.

Create Content That Is Genuinely Interesting To Your Audience

If you try and sell right away without first establishing trust, the cynics will leave your website quickly.

Your readers will be interested in learning more if your idea or product excites them, or if you offer practical solutions to their problems.

This is why it is important to really understand your audience and to only write to a specific type of reader; a narrow niche may be smaller, but it will be more targeted, and your readers will more likely be interested in what you have to say, which will hopefully result in more leads and sales for you.

Write in a conversational way and don’t be too stuffy (unless your niche expects this). Always try to add your character to the text and inject humour if you know your readers will respond to it.

It goes without saying that you should know your stuff. Please don’t try to fake your expertise as you will be found out and your audience will not forgive you for deceiving them.

Ask questions, don’t use jargon and offer a unique perspective to your content.

There is a lot of content out there ready to be consumed, so you need to try and stand out from the rest.

Use Multimedia

Video is already a significant component of content marketing and will remain so.

Think of yourself as a customer for a moment. There are two ways to decide how to learn something:

Would you rather watch a three-minute video or spend fifteen minutes reading website content?

It’s likely that you chose the video. Why? Probably because it is shorter, simpler to understand, and hopefully a little engaging, plus it may also be entertaining.

Video is becoming even more crucial as social media platforms today focus more on content sharing and discovery. Additionally, video marketing can humanise your company, which will increase brand recognition, lead generation, and sales.

And don’t forget audio content! Just look at the popularity of platforms like Audible. Creating audio content and using platforms like Soundcloud is a good way to diversify.

If you are creating longform, or detailed content, think about starting a podcast as these are incredibly popular.

And don’t forget good old photos and infographics. Ideally you’d use your own unique photos, but stock photo will still work. And if you can condense all the main points of your content into a handy infographic, great. These are highly valued and readily shared.

Keep It Fresh

Ideally the vast majority of content you produce will be evergreen. That doesn’t mean to say that tactics don’t change, but the underlying strategies and principles remain the same.

You can keep things fresh by updating your evergreen content with new tactics as and when they appear. This way you will also show that you are keeping your finger on the pulse on the niche you serve.

So, you can either update older content with new tactics, or write new content and link to it from the older posts, the decision is yours.

Promote Your Content

Now you have written your content, it’s time to put it to work for you.

The first thing to do is to share it on all of your social media channels.

Create pdf’s or slideshows of your content and share on sites such as Slideshare.

If you have a budget, consider using paid ads to drive traffic to your content. If you do this, ensure that your content is monetised with affiliate links and a clear call-to-action to try to get a return on investment.


In order to create compelling content that will captivate your audience, you need to first understand what makes them tick. You need to know what they care about, what motivates them, and what interests them.

Once you have a good understanding of your audience, you can then begin to create content that speaks to them on a personal level and that provides value.

Your content should also be visually appealing and easy to read. Use short paragraphs, catchy headlines, and eye-catching images. And, most importantly, make sure your content is engaging and interesting.

If it is not, people will not stick around to read it. So, take the time to craft a well-written, well-designed, and well-targeted piece of content, and you will be well on your way to capturing your audience’s attention.

Content publishing is an integral part of any online business and is a great way to get traffic to your offers and to position yourself as an authority, so start publishing useful, high quality content today.

If you really want to know more about the power of content marketing and blogging, you can take a look at the Rapid Blogging Blueprint training course or if you just want a few pointers for now you can grab the featured resource below for a  free detailed blogging report; download, read it and take action 🙂

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Setting Freedom Goals To Change Your Life For The Better

Setting goals is one of the most important things that you can do in your life. It is a powerful tool for a successful life.

Goal setting is also an effective motivator, the importance of which has been acknowledged in numerous therapeutic and practical settings for more than 35 years.

The first step to setting goals is to identify what it is that you want to achieve. There are three things that are necessary for goal setting:

  • A clear understanding of what you want to accomplish
  • A timeline for when you want to accomplish it
  • A plan of how you will accomplish it

To set goals, think about your life and identify the specific areas where you would like to make changes or improvements.

Once you have identified these areas, break them down into smaller pieces and set deadlines for achieving them. The smaller the goal, the easier they are to achieve!

The Power Of Goal Setting And Why You Should Try It

In order to achieve your goals, you need to set them! And that’s not the only thing you need to do. You also need to break those goals into smaller steps and define a timeline for achieving them.

There has been a lot of research done on goal setting, especially in organisational contexts. Initially, the goal of this investigation was to determine how the level of expected achievement (the goal) relates to the actual level of performance in an organisational setting.

The key is to have a plan of action. You will most likely have setbacks and you’ll need a backup plan in case something doesn’t work out as planned. That’s why it’s important to have a plan in place before you start pursuing your dreams.

There are a lot of other people who want to achieve the same things that you do. Competition is tough, and you’ll have to work hard to keep up with them. Pursuit of your dreams can be difficult, but it’s worth it in the end!

This is why setting freedom goals is so important. The problem is that goal setting has become a bit of a cliché and people have stopped taking it seriously, but that is a serious mistake because they can have a dramatic impact on your life…if done correctly.

Why Setting Freedom Goals Is Important And How To Do It Right

Freedom goals are different from other types of goals because they don’t have a specific time frame or deadline.

They also have the potential to change and evolve as we do.

Freedom is about having the ability to choose what you want for your life and then taking action towards it.

So, in order for freedom goals to be successful, you need to take control of your life and make sure that you’re empowered enough to tackle any obstacles that may come your way.

The most important thing is to have a clear vision of your goal and be able to articulate that vision in a compelling way. The second most important thing is to make sure you are constantly learning, growing, and adapting so that you stay on the path towards your goal.

Choosing Goals You’ll Be Passionate About

The most often piece of lifestyle advice we hear is to “never give up on your goals,” regardless of whether you’re reading a self-help book or a motivational poster.

We’ve all heard the phrases “live your dreams,” “follow the rainbow,” “the sky is the limit,” and “don’t give up” a thousand times.

Additionally, this is a lovely platitude. It is undoubtedly true that we should keep pursuing our goals and that we can succeed in anything we set our minds to.

Is It Worth Visualising Your Goals?

One of the most popular pieces of advice, along with “live your dreams,” is to visualise your goals, although that’s a little oversimplified.

Because evidence suggests that, in some circumstances, visualisation can actually lower your chances of success.

This is due to the fact that visualising a goal could actually be demotivating. This is because it can give us the impression that we have already achieved whatever it is we were aiming for, allowing us to rest on our laurels and stop trying to achieve it!

Also, visualisation is frequently too abstract to be of any actual use. The science shows that people who fantasise about doing what they desire frequently fail to actually carry out their plans.

However, this does not imply that visualising is ineffective. It only requires knowing how to use it as a tool and how to prevent letting it rule your life.

Setting Your Goals And Priorities

Up until now, we’ve talked about creating abstract visions and ideas for yourself. It’s now time to set actual priorities and goals.

And this is another place where a lot of folks may experience problems.  The issue is that we often write ill-defined or unattainable goals because we lack the knowledge on how to do so.

This is the distinction between goals and visions, as well as the distinction between goals that can and cannot be achieved.

The key then, is to break your goals down into manageable chunks.

The idea is to choose which of these smaller steps will be most useful in assisting you to achieve your larger goals and dreams.

How can you turn your goal into a series of manageable smaller goals?

This means coming up with a plan and that means creating a road map.

Examine your overall vision and mission statement, then consider what little, specific changes you need to make in your life to move a little bit closer to making those things a reality.

What needs to happen and how can you make changes to become the person you’ve always wanted to be?

Rearranging your home office, getting in shape, or looking for a new career are a few examples of relatively small things that could serve as the foundation.

Now, translate these into clear goals that you can pursue every day. Keep in mind that these goals must be limited in scope, either pass or fail, and fully within your control.

If you keep taking small steps every day, you will reach your freedom goals and will be able to live the life you really want.

Yes, it takes self discipline, a strong mindset and a lot of perseverance but I’m sure you’ll agree that the end results are more than worth the effort, so what are you waiting for?

Now, if you want to learn about growing your own self-discipline then download the featured resource below which is a free report all about the power of self-discipline; download it, read it and take action 😊

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How To Rank Higher On Google And Boost Your Business’ Visibility Online

Why is search engine optimization important?

Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages. It is an important part of digital marketing because it can be the cause of a large number of website visits, and we all want traffic, right?

SEO is also important because it can help people find the information that they are looking for.

There are many benefits to SEO and there are many different ways to optimize your website. This article will list some of the most common tips that you should follow if you want to improve your search engine ranking.

1. Conduct Keyword Research

Keywords are the backbone of any search engine marketing campaign. Without them, you will not be able to rank for anything.

A keyword’s importance is determined by its popularity, relevance and competitiveness. The best keywords are those that have high search volume, but low competition.

One tool to use is Google’s own keyword tool:

So, it is important to know the competition in order to determine the best keywords, because if you have a high search volume keyword with low competition, it will take less time and money to rank on that keyword. You are also more likely to rank higher in organic (free) searches too.

2. Create A Compelling Title And Meta Description

The title and meta description tags are the first things people see on a search engine. They are the first impression, and it is important to make sure that they are both compelling enough

The Title Tag should be less than 55 characters and the meta description should be about 150 characters for maximum SEO benefits.

The title and subtitle are often considered to be the most important elements on a post, as this is what people will first notice, read, and consider.

The title should be a good foundation for you to use when you write content that goes into the blog. It should also entice people in so they are interested in your topic and it keeps them coming back. Keep it short, but exciting with a hook like “10 Tips to Make Your Wedding Day Awesome” etc.

3. Increase Your Backlinks

You can increase your backlinks by guest posting on popular blogs, publishing high-quality content on your own blog and promoting it, participating in link building communities, and more.

Guest posts are a great way to get backlinks for your blog. You should write about topics that are relevant to the blog you’re submitting to. If you don’t have enough content on your own site, then you can also write about topics that are relevant to the blog you’re submitting to.

The goal is to make it seem like you are an expert in the field and have something interesting to say.

Link building communities are a great way to get backlinks for your site. You will need a strong network of sites that link out regularly or they won’t be as valuable as they could be.

4. Optimize Your Website’s Structure

Website optimization is an important part of SEO marketing. It helps to increase the chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages.

These are some of the most important things that you should do to optimize your website’s structure.

  • Ensure that your site is mobile-friendly.
  • Optimize your URLs and make them as descriptive as possible.
  • Use keywords in your meta tags and title tags for better visibility on SERPs.
  • Optimize for voice search by using long tail keywords and phrases in your content, page titles, and meta descriptions.
  • Include a sitemap on your website so that Google can crawl it more easily and index it faster.

5. Use Keyword-Rich Content And Urls

Another important step to ranking well in search engines is to make sure that you are using keywords in your content and URL’s.

Search engines look for keywords that are relevant to the topic of the page, so it’s important to use them. However, don’t go overboard with them or you will end up with a page that is too keyword heavy.

When it comes to keywords, longtail keywords are more effective than short ones because there is less competition for them. You can find these by typing in a Google search what you want to rank for and then looking at the suggested searches at the bottom of the page.

6. Leverage Social Media And Share Your Content On Sites Like Reddit Or Quora

Reddit is a social media site that provides links to content and discussions about that content. Reddit has a large number of active users, which means that there are plenty of potential readers for your content.

Quora is an online question-and-answer website where people can ask questions and provide answers to other people’s questions. Quora is different from other social media sites because it focuses on providing information instead of generating revenue.

The following are some strategies for leveraging the power of Reddit and Quora:

  • Posting your content on Reddit or Quora with a link to your website
  • Sharing your content on these sites will increase the chances of getting traffic from their respective communities
  • You can also promote your posts by offering freebies like ebooks, whitepapers, infographics, audio, video etc.

7. Make Sure To Be Mobile-Friendly

While the internet is not yet a mobile-only world, it is becoming increasingly important to have a mobile-friendly website.

There are many ways to make your website mobile-friendly. You can use responsive design, which means that the same content is displayed on all devices and screens, or you can have a separate site for mobile users.

You can also create an app for your company so that customers can access your services on their phones.

8. Publish Regular Blog Posts With Relevant Content

Blogging is a great way to generate qualified leads. It also helps you build your personal brand and authority in the marketplace. When you blog, you need to make sure that you include relevant content that will be interesting to your target audience.

Here are some blogging tips:

  • Write posts that are at least 1000 words in length
  • Include a link in your blog post to your most recent blog post or article on the same topic
  • Make sure that the title of your post is catchy and includes keywords related to the topic of the blog post
  • Include a call to action at the end of each blog post

9. Connect With Influential Bloggers In Your Niche

Guest blogging is a strategy that is used to connect with influencers in your niche. Influencers are people who have large followings on social media and can help you build your audience. They are also great for helping you rank higher in search engine results pages.

The process of guest blogging is simple. You reach out to bloggers by sending them an email or direct message on social media, pitching them a guest post idea, and then following up with them if/when they say yes.

Guest blogging can be a great way to build relationships with influencers in your niche and get exposure for your brand or business.

If you want to know more about SEO, check out the featured resource below for a free report, Simple SEO Keywords which will show you how to research keywords for your content using some great tools; download, read it and take action 🙂

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