self belief

Does Self-Confidence Really Matter?

Does Self-Confidence Really Matter?

It often seems that confidence is elusive, like a smoky mirage. Sometimes, it feels magical and wonderful; other times it can be frustrating.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret: you can build up your self-confidence without having to resort to any crystal ball. ‘How?’ you ask.

It’s simple.

Start by recognizing that confidence is a skill you can learn. You set a goal and take small steps each day to work towards it.

I know that some people exude confidence and may be naturally confident, but many have honed the skill that it looks natural, yet they are natural introverts.

Keep reading to find out more about self-confidence and why it matters.

What Is Self-Confidence?

Self-confidence isn’t tangible. You can’t touch it and say, “This is confidence.”

It’s something we get a feeling for when we, or others, have it.

Likewise, we can recognize when someone lacks it. Even when they try to attempt to compensate for it, we sense it and feel bad for them.

The good news is that self-confidence is a soft skill, which means you can learn it and apply it to your daily life. It’s not fixed, like your height for example. It’s mainly based on your mindset and the actions you do to follow through.

You can boost your confidence and self-esteem by trusting your abilities. Seeing yourself succeed in your mind is the first step in making better decisions. Then, when your decisions make your life better, your confidence gets a nice little boost. And round and round it goes.

Bear in mind that confidence is infectious. Even though we can’t see it, we still sense other people’s confidence levels in the way they behave and speak.

When someone is confident, they exude excitement and energy. You’re motivated to work hard and feel that same energy.

The downside is it goes both ways. When one person lacks confidence, it can deflate everyone around them. They just get the sense that there’s no point in trying.

Why Does Self-Confidence Matter?

There are different reasons why being confident can improve your life.

Below, you’ll find a few examples of how it can make you a happier, more fulfilled individual.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it gives you an idea as to how much having, or lacking, confidence impacts all areas of your life.

Allows You To Take Positive Risks

We all need confidence to bring balance and a sense of direction in our lives. Making a conscious decision to develop your confidence will allow you to take positive risks. It gets you out of your comfort zone and puts you on the path to success.

The trick is understanding your own strength. You have to believe that you can master whatever skill you’re striving towards. Yes, it’ll be weird and difficult in the beginning. Yes, you’ll make mistakes along the way.

So what?

That’s what life is about. This is what boosts your self-esteem and makes you better at everything you do.

Empowers You To Embrace Your Failures

We all make mistakes. We all fail and meet obstacles in our lives.

The key is to understand that failures are a necessary part of progress. Read that again and really take it in.

Often, we feel that when we fail, it’s the end of the journey. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

To fully embrace your failures, you have to think of them as detours. When you’re forced to change lanes or take a detour that doesn’t mean the entire journey is over. It just means you’re taking a different path, but you’ll get there eventually.

Now, why do some people succeed after failing and others don’t? Those who manage to learn from their mistakes. They go over what went wrong and find a way to fix it.

In other words, they use their failures to their advantage. They use them to prop them up and give them the push they need to keep going on their path.

Let’s take a second to think about Thomas Edison and Michael Jordan. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of these two names? Success? Fame? Glory? All of the above?

How about failure? You’re probably saying to yourself, ‘These are two of the most prominent members of society. They haven’t failed.’

Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but they have—many times, in fact. Yet, they’re smart enough to use their failures as stepping stones to aim higher and work harder. Imagine our much our lives would have been impacted if these two men had given up every time they failed!

One of Edison’s quotes about refining the light bulb is, “I haven’t failed. I’ve found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Enables You To Trust Yourself

Many times, we can be our own worst enemies. We critique every move, every word, and every thought over and over again.

In moderation, it can be a great incentive to do better. Although, this only works if we treat ourselves with the same kindness and empathy, we show others. Sadly, it doesn’t happen very often.

The best way to break out of that negative self-talk is to have faith in yourself. Have faith in your decisions. Even if you made mistakes in the past, that doesn’t necessitate future failures.

Own up to your bad decision, embrace it, and move on. That’s now part of your DNA; it’s helping shape a stronger, more resilient person.

Imagine it being part of your arsenal or a superpower. Now, you’ve turned your mistake into something that can make you more resilient and less anxious.

A Final Note

Self-confidence is an integral part of who you are. Understanding why it matters can mean the difference being happy and being miserable.

Having that self-assurance can help boost your relationships and career. You’ll also be able to inspire others to become happier, more fulfilled individuals.

So, what are you waiting for? Decide today to work on achieving solid self confidence today and watch it transform your life!

Being confident requires self discipline and many people struggle with this, so if you want to harness the power of self discipline, check out the featured resource below for a free report; download, read it and take action 🙂

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7 Ways To Become More Confident

7 Ways To Become More Confident

7 Ways To Become More Confident

Confidence is all you need to succeed in many cases. The confidence that you can achieve a goal or live a dream, powers you past obstacles. It’s contagious, too.

Build confidence once and you begin to feel confident regularly. It’s a self-fulfilling success cycle, and is incredibly powerful if you can harness it.

For more goal-crushing, dream-achieving confidence, here are 7 proven practices successful people use to turn desires into reality.

Not Caring What Others Think Can Boost Your Confidence

Many failures can be blamed on worrying about what other people think. It may be tough to hear, but the world really doesn’t care about you. It’s true. The people you think are waiting for you to fail or will otherwise make fun of you if you don’t succeed at something are probably not even paying attention.

On the other hand, the people that truly love and respect you won’t be kicking you when you’re down. These two facts mean you’re wasting your time if you’re concerned about what other people may be thinking about you.

Who really cares, anyway? The minute you stop worrying about how others perceive you is the instant point in time where you start feeling more confident that you can handle just about anything.

Start Acting “As If” You Can

Many self-help gurus will teach you to “fake it before you make it” on your way to pursuing a large goal. This is because of the inability of your subconscious mind to differentiate reality from imagination or fantasy. If you dress and act and walk and talk “as if” you have accomplished something, that immediately improves your confidence.

This doesn’t mean to be arrogant or to lie to yourself. It means that acting as if you can do something triggers a belief in your mind that you actually can. You basically trick your subconscious mind into thinking you have already succeeded at some tasks, even if you never have.

Of course, it goes without saying that you don’t lie to others; this is a purely internal process.

Take Small Steps To Grow Your Comfort Zone

Try this. Do just one thing that makes you scared or unsure every day. Seriously, intentionally take small steps outside of your comfort zone. Science tells us this is where the largest achievements are found.

Researchers into goal achievement wondered how they could help people realize more of their dreams. Their testing led them to a startling discovery.

They found that when an individual takes small but challenging steps in the direction of uncertainty and fear, huge achievements are often the result.

Be careful with this. Those researchers also found that when people took huge leaps out of their comfort zone the end results were not favorable.

This means you should be experiencing minor discomfort and uncertainty regularly if you want to become more confident and capable. Push yourself and slowly expand the boundaries of your abilities.

And don’t forget to enjoy the journey you are on. So many people are only focused on the end goal that they forget to enjoy the whole process of getting there. If you want to know more about this, take a look at this training here: Enjoy The Journey

Build A Confidence Support Team

Teamwork can accomplish what individuals cannot in many cases. Having a support team that motivates you and keeps you focused is a great way to build more confidence.

We are all going to stumble and fall on our paths to success. It’s just normal, and it’s how you react to that obstacle which determines where you will end up!

Knowing that you have a team of friends and loved ones to support you makes it a lot easier to ignore those temporary setbacks that are going to appear in your life. This gives you more confidence because you know that there are people that have your back when you need them.

Visualize, Rehearse And Practice

Visualization is used by the most successful athletes in the world. Actors and politicians visualize giving a great performance or speech. This goes back to how you can program your subconscious to create the desired result.

You can also enjoy being your most confident self by rehearsing or practicing. It’s not always possible to practice something you’re going to have to attempt. When it is possible, get those practice sessions in.

Rehearse and rehearse and rehearse.

Be Calm … Learn To Relax

Confident people aren’t usually freaking out. There is definitely a positive relationship between staying calm and focused and having a confident belief in one’s ability.

Remember, stress is the enemy of confidence. It can wear down even the most confident person. You can’t be very self-assured when you’re stressed out, nervous and anxious.

Take up yoga. Start meditating. Those are two proven stress-relieving practices that go back thousands of years. Work to stay calm in the face of anxiety and stress and you can enjoy more confidence.

If you have religious beliefs, prayer can also help and can be very powerful for the Christians among us.

Start Helping People

You can’t help someone else until you take care of yourself. This means you should be practicing self-care. Self-confidence can come from feeling good about the person you are, and that means respecting yourself enough to take care of your mind and body.

Another thing that boosts your self-image and cranks up confidence is helping someone. When you help another person improve their situation in some way, you feel good about yourself.

This gets those positive hormones and neurotransmitters doing what they do best … making you feel confident and self-assured. Reach out to someone in need and help them. Do this regularly and you’ll enjoy more self-assuredness and confidence.

These are simple practices. They don’t require anything more than a change in mindset on your part. Simplicity can be powerful, and it is here. These are some of the things successful people do to turn their dreams into reality. They can give you the confidence to achieve all the important things in your life.

Being confident requires self discipline and many people struggle with this, so if you want to harness the power of self discipline, check out the featured resource below for a free report; download, read it and take action 🙂

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