self respect


How To Overcome Self Doubt As An Online Marketer

9th February
By Jason Daly

How To Overcome Self Doubt As An Online Marketer

Are you an online marketer struggling with self-doubt? Do you find yourself questioning your decisions and ability to succeed? If so, you’re not alone. Self-doubt can be a major obstacle for anyone, but especially for entrepreneurs and online marketers who must continuously put themselves out there and take risks to achieve success. 

As an online marketer, self doubt normally manifests itself in the lack of confidence you have in your ability to make decisions, take action, and succeed in the online marketing world. It can cause you to hesitate to make decisions, second guess those decisions (when you eventually make them), and make you risk averse (a bad trait for an entrepreneur)! 

Self-doubt can prevent online marketers from realizing their full potential and achieving their goals. In order to combat self doubt, it is important to remind yourself of past successes, find support from other online marketers, and focus on the long-term goals and benefits that will come from taking risks. 

With a strong mindset and a positive attitude, anyone can overcome their self-doubt and become successful in the online marketing world, and in this blog post, we’ll discuss how you can do this and have the success you deserve.

Identifying Self-Doubt

As an online marketer, it is important to be aware of any signs of self-doubt that may be impacting your ability to perform. Self-doubt can be insidious and can often go undetected, leading to a decrease in productivity and a lack of motivation. 

Identifying self-doubt early on can help reduce its effects and allow you to continue to work confidently and effectively. Signs of self-doubt can include procrastination, feeling overwhelmed, and negative self-talk. 

If you find yourself exhibiting these symptoms, it is important to take a step back and re-evaluate your goals and objectives, as well as your approach to achieving them. Understanding the root of your self-doubt and taking steps to address it can help you remain productive and successful in your online marketing career.

Recognizing The Root Causes

Identifying the root causes of any self-doubt is a very important step to helping you overcome it and achieve your goals. It is important to be aware of the underlying feelings that are driving your self-doubt and to be honest with yourself about the source of it. 

Common causes of self-doubt can include fear of failure, perfectionism, low self-esteem, comparison to others, and a lack of self-care. Once the cause of our self-doubt is identified, it is possible to begin addressing and challenging our negative thoughts and feelings in order to move forward and reach our goals.

Assessing The Impact Of Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is a natural emotion that can have both positive and negative impacts on our lives. Identifying when self-doubt is present can help us to assess the impact it has on our lives. When you identify the typical symptoms of self doubt, you can then see the impact they are actually having on your life. 

For example, if you are fearful of failure, you can see how this could be hampering your efforts to reach your goals, or if you feel inadequate, look at how this impacts your self-esteem.

By understanding the causes of self-doubt, you can build greater self-awareness and create strategies to help manage and overcome it. You can also identify habits or thoughts that are creating self-doubt and actively work to replace them with more positive, empowering beliefs.

Through self-reflection and practice, you can develop greater confidence and become better equipped to face life’s challenges.

Understanding The Effect On Your Performance

Self-doubt can have a powerful and detrimental effect on your performance, regardless of what kind of activity or task you are attempting. When you are plagued by self-doubt, it can deeply undermine your confidence, causing you to second-guess yourself and your abilities. 

This can lead to a lack of effort and motivation, resulting in sub-par performance. Furthermore, it can also lead to fear of failure and even avoidance of challenging tasks. To prevent self-doubt from hindering your performance, it is essential to recognize its effects and take steps to build confidence and promote self-belief. 

Developing healthy thought patterns and practices such as positive self-talk, goal-setting and visualization can help you to overcome self-doubt and stay on track.

Overcoming Self-Doubt

When it comes to achieving success and feeling good about ourselves, it's easy to become overwhelmed by self-doubt. Self-doubt is the enemy that keeps us from taking risks, having confidence in our own abilities, and making progress towards our goals. It's a vicious cycle of lies and negative thinking that can be hard to break out of.

The good news is that it is possible to overcome self-doubt and develop a positive mindset. We can do this through a variety of simple methods.

So, let’s go through some of these methods now, to help you to blast through any self-doubt that may be affecting you.

Setting And Achieving Realistic Goals

Setting and achieving realistic goals is the first step to overcoming self-doubt. When we set goals that are too ambitious, we can become overwhelmed and discouraged, which reinforces our self-doubt. But when we set goals that we can realistically reach, we feel more in control of our progress and more confident in our abilities.

When setting goals, it's important to be realistic and to make sure that the goals are achievable. This means setting goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. This ensures that your goals are attainable and that you can track your progress.

Seeking Support From Others

No one is an island and seeking support from others is a powerful way to overcome self-doubt. Having someone to talk to and confide in, even if it's just to vent your frustrations, can make a big difference. 

Talking to people who believe in you and who can offer you guidance and encouragement can help you to develop the confidence to take risks and to keep going.

Maintaining Healthy Habits And Lifestyle Practices

Maintaining healthy habits and lifestyle practices is also important for overcoming self-doubt. Eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising are all essential for physical and mental wellbeing. 

Taking care of yourself helps to boost your energy and your mood, which in turn can help you to be more confident.

Reframing Negative Thoughts And Beliefs

Our thoughts and beliefs have a huge impact on how we feel and act. Negative thinking can be damaging and can lead to self-doubt and anxiety.

Reframing our negative thoughts and beliefs and replacing them with more positive ones is key to overcoming self-doubt.

This means challenging our own negative thoughts and beliefs and replacing them with more positive and realistic ones.

Taking Time For Yourself To Recharge And Reflect

Finally, it's important to take time for ourselves to recharge and reflect. Taking the time to step back and reassess our progress and our goals is essential for maintaining a positive mindset and overcoming self-doubt. Taking a break from our work or day-to-day stresses can help us to get some perspective and gain clarity on our goals. 

By using these methods, we can take control of our self-doubt and develop a positive mindset, and by doing so, we can break the cycle of self-doubt and take steps towards achieving success.

“Achievers - whether in business, sports, or the arts — are committed to continual improvement.” 

– Jack Canfield

Conclusion: How To Keep Moving Forward Despite Your Self Doubt

No matter how much self-doubt you feel, it is important to keep moving forward. As long as you recognize the importance of taking small steps and setting realistic goals, you can push through any negative thoughts and keep making progress. 

Identifying the source of your self-doubt and taking positive steps to address it can help you to stay motivated and focused on your goals.

And it is important to stay open to feedback from others and to remember that mistakes can be learning opportunities. Above all, be kind and gentle with yourself and recognize that self-doubt is normal.

And remember that self-doubt is a natural part of growth, and it can be overcome with the right attitude and a willingness to work hard. With the right mindset, you can keep moving forward despite your self-doubt, and reach your goals.

As you can appreciate, a lot of this is dependent on the way you think and if you want to know more about developing a good mindset for success, please click on the featured resource below for a free report; download, read it and take action 🙂

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10 Ways To Rebuild Your Confidence

19th January
By Jason Daly

10 Ways To Rebuild Your Confidence

Do you feel like your self-esteem and confidence have taken a hit? Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed with the challenges life throws your way or have been dealing with a negative mindset that has been hard to shake. You may feel like you’ve lost your confidence, and it’s difficult to get it back. It’s important to remember that confidence is a state of mind and can be rebuilt.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 ways to rebuild your confidence and get back on track to feeling your best. From learning how to practice positive self-talk and focusing on your strengths, to building supportive relationships and setting achievable goals - we’ll discuss all the ways you can start to rebuild your confidence.

So, if you’re ready for a confidence boost, let’s get started!

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Rebuilding confidence can be a difficult task for many of us, especially when we're constantly comparing ourselves to others. We know we should be happy with ourselves and our accomplishments, but it's hard to shake the feeling that we could be doing better, or that somebody else is doing better.

But when it comes to rebuilding confidence, it's essential to remember that it starts with you. No amount of comparing yourself to others will help you get to where you want to be. So how do you go about rebuilding your confidence and stop comparing yourself to others?

You need to remind yourself that everyone is different. Everyone has their own unique talents and qualities that make them great at what they do. While it's natural to look around and see people doing things that you wish you could do, it doesn't mean that you're not capable of achieving those things yourself. You simply have to find your own path and work hard to get there.

Boost Confidence By Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

We all know that our comfort zone is a place where we feel safe and comfortable. We don't like to leave our comfort zone, as it's our haven from the worries and uncertainties of the world. However, sometimes it's important to get out of our comfort zone and take risks to gain new experiences and develop our confidence.

When we stay in our comfort zone, we stay in a safe bubble where there is no real challenge or risk. We don't learn and grow from our experiences. We might even be too scared to try new things and become stuck in a rut. By stepping out of our comfort zone and trying something new, we can gain new skills and perspectives and become more confident in ourselves.

Start small. Take on a new hobby or try something you've been meaning to do for a while. This can be anything from taking a cooking class to learning a language. By doing something new and challenging, you'll gain self-confidence.

You could also try something risky and physically challenging, like going rock climbing or zip-lining. These activities require you to face your fears and push yourself beyond your boundaries. Through these experiences, you'll gain a sense of accomplishment and pride in yourself.

If you're feeling adventurous, you could look for ways to help other people. Volunteering can be a great way to get out of your comfort zone, gain self-confidence, and make a positive impact on the world. You'll come away from the experience feeling proud and empowered.

Getting out of our comfort zone may seem scary, but it can be incredibly rewarding. It can help us gain confidence and gain new skills and perspectives.

Take Action & Celebrate Small Wins

Confidence is a crucial part of success. It can make or break any goal you set for yourself. Unfortunately, confidence can often be fragile and easily shattered.

One of the most effective ways to rebuild your confidence is to take small steps and celebrate your progress. When you start to see progress, no matter how small, it can be a powerful boost to your self-esteem and help you keep going.

Action is the first step to rebuilding your confidence. The more you take action, the more you will learn and grow, and the more confident you will become. When you take action, you start to build evidence that you can do things and accomplish your goals.

Another important step in rebuilding confidence is to celebrate your small wins. It can be tempting to focus on the big successes and overlook the small victories, but it's important to appreciate and celebrate all of your wins, big and small. When you celebrate your successes, it reinforces the idea that you are good at something and diminishes the fear of failure.

Rebuilding confidence can be a challenging process, but it's far from impossible. Taking action and celebrating small wins are two essential steps in the process. Doing these two things will help you gain the self-belief and motivation you need to achieve your goals.

Identify Your Strengths & Weaknesses

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses allows you to take stock of the good and bad in your life. It’s important to be honest and realistic in your assessment of yourself and the areas in which you need to work on.

Your strengths are the areas in which you naturally excel. It can be anything from excelling in a particular academic subject to having a knack for public speaking. It could be having a way with words, or a talent for problem-solving. Think about the areas in which you excel and write them down.

Your weaknesses are the areas in which you need to improve. These could be anything from a lack of experience in a certain area to lacking a particular skill set. It might be a fear of public speaking or a lack of understanding of a certain subject. Identify the areas in which you need to work on and write them down.

Once you’ve identified your strengths and weaknesses, you can start to work on them. It’s important to remember that everyone has areas in which they need to improve, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Focus on the positive and start to build your confidence.

For example, if you identified public speaking as a weakness, work on it by attending public speaking classes or by practicing in front of the mirror. You could also try to get involved in local events and gatherings, or even take on a leadership role.

If you identified a lack of experience in a certain area, try to acquire more knowledge by taking classes, reading books, or talking to people more experienced than you. You could also look for ways to gain work experience in that area.

Take your time and be patient. Working on your strengths and weaknesses takes time and effort, but it is worth it in the end. By identifying your strengths and weaknesses, you will be better equipped to rebuild your confidence and self-esteem.

Focus On the Positive In Life

Confidence helps us stay positive, believe in ourselves, and move forward, even in the face of adversity. But sometimes, our confidence can be knocked. Whether it’s a bad experience, a personal setback, or simply a lack of self-belief, it can be hard to stay positive and rebuild our confidence.

The first step to rebuilding your confidence is to focus on the positive aspects of life. Put aside your worries and frustrations and find something to be thankful for. It might be a simple pleasure, like a great cup of coffee, or it might be something bigger, like spending time with family or friends. Even if you’re feeling low, appreciating the good things in life can help lift your mood and give you the energy to move forward.

Another way to focus on the positive and rebuild your confidence is to set achievable goals. Try to make them small and realistic so that you can enjoy the satisfaction of achieving them. This could be anything from taking a new class or learning a new skill, to simply doing something that you’ve been putting off.

Finally, remind yourself of your strengths and successes. Everyone has something they can be proud of, so don’t be afraid to celebrate your achievements and recognize your abilities. Remind yourself that you have the potential to do great things and that you are capable and deserving of success.

Surround Yourself With Supportive People

Having other people around to encourage you, give constructive feedback, and listen to your worries can be invaluable when you’re feeling low in confidence. A supportive environment can provide the psychological safety net you need to grow and make positive changes in your life. If you don’t have many close friends, try reaching out to family members, coworkers, or by joining a support group.

The people who offer you their support should be positive and understanding. When you’re rebuilding your confidence, you’re more likely to be influenced by those who are optimistic and confident themselves. Choose people who will be generous with their praise and honest about what you need to work on. It’s worth noting, however, that you should be careful not to let others define your worth or set unreasonable expectations.

The people around you should also respect your boundaries and be respectful of your decisions. You should never feel like you need to take on more than you can handle or do something you’re not comfortable with. Having supportive people around who respect your decisions, even if they don’t always agree with them, can help you feel more confident in your own choices.

Practice Self-Care & Set Boundaries

When it comes to rebuilding your confidence, self-care and setting boundaries are essential. Between work, family, friends, and other commitments, it can be hard to prioritize yourself. But it’s important to make time to look after your wellbeing and establish healthy boundaries with the people in your life.

Self-care is essential to rebuilding your confidence. Taking care of your physical and mental health is the first step. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating properly, and exercising. Self-care is also about taking time to do the things you love, whether it’s reading, playing an instrument, or spending time in nature. Do something that brings you joy every day.

In addition to self-care, it’s important to set boundaries in your relationships. If you’re constantly putting other people’s needs before your own, it’s time to make a change. Be honest about what you need, and don’t be afraid to say no. Practicing assertiveness will help you feel empowered.

Build Healthy Habits

Building healthy habits is a great way to rebuild your confidence. Healthy habits can give you a much-needed boost of self-esteem and help you feel more empowered in your daily life. 

Here are a couple of ways to start building healthier habits and increase your self-confidence.

Make sure to take care of your body. Taking care of your physical health is essential for your overall wellbeing. Make sure to get enough rest, exercise regularly, and eat a balanced diet. You’ll also want to make sure to stay hydrated and get plenty of fresh air. All of these things will boost your energy levels and help you feel more confident.

Focus on positive self-talk. Negative self-talk can be a major obstacle to feeling confident. Instead of engaging in negative thoughts, focus on positive self-talk. When you start to feel down, remind yourself of all the things you’re good at and all the unique qualities that make you who you are.

Setting goals is a great way to start building healthier habits. Start small and focus on achievable goals. You’ll be more likely to stick with your goals if they’re realistic and within reach. For example, if you’re trying to make healthier eating choices, start by replacing one unhealthy snack with a healthier option each day.

Take Time For Reflection & Growth

As we go through life, it's easy to become overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We often forget to take time for ourselves and reflect on our growth and progress. This is especially true if we've encountered a setback or failure. It's easy to feel discouraged and down about the situation, but it's important to take the time for reflection and growth to rebuild your confidence.

Reflection and growth are important for many reasons, but primarily because they give us the opportunity to identify what we can improve upon and how to work on it. It helps us to be aware of our own strengths and weaknesses and helps us to focus on the areas that we need to work on. This can be difficult to do in the midst of a crisis, but it's important to take the time to reflect on our progress and growth, and how it can help us become more confident.

Taking time to look back on experiences and analyze them can help us identify our strengths and weaknesses and understand what we can do to improve. It can also provide us with valuable insight into the ways in which we think, act, and interact with other people. By reflecting on our experiences, we can gain an understanding of our own behaviors and beliefs, which can help us make changes in our lives and build up our confidence.

Taking the time to develop our skills and knowledge can help us to feel more capable and confident in our abilities. This could include taking classes, reading books, researching topics, networking, or even attending workshops or seminars. Taking the time to actively challenge ourselves and learn new things can help us feel more empowered and confident in our own abilities.

Believe In Yourself & Follow Your Dreams

Nothing can be more empowering than believing in yourself and pursuing your dreams. While it may be difficult to break out of your comfort zone, taking the necessary steps to rebuild your confidence can be incredibly rewarding.

When it comes to believing in yourself, it’s important to focus on what you can do and the things you are capable of achieving. Don’t let your insecurities or the opinions of others get in the way of believing in yourself. Instead, try to focus on your internal strengths and find ways to channel your energy into positive goals. Whether this means taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill, focus on the things that make you feel confident in yourself.

Following your dreams is an integral part of rebuilding your confidence. When you have a dream, don’t let fear or doubt get in the way of achieving it. Instead, create a plan to make that dream a reality. It may take time, but the more you focus on your dream, the closer you will get to making it a reality.

As you continue to work on yourself and your dreams, you will find that your confidence will grow, and you will begin to feel more empowered.

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving” 

– Albert Einstein


Confidence is a powerful asset that can help you overcome obstacles in life. With the help of the strategies outlined in this article, you can build your confidence back up, no matter how low you may have been feeling.

Through self-care, positive thinking, and reaching out for support, you can be on your way to rebuilding your confidence. It may take some time, but you will get there. With a little effort, you can be the confident, capable person that you know you can be.

Being confident requires self-discipline and many people struggle with this, so if you want to harness the power of self discipline, check out the featured resource below for a free report; download, read it and take action 🙂

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Have You Turned Into Your Own Worst Enemy?

6th October 2023
By Jason Daly

Have You Turned Into Your Own Worst Enemy? 

It’s one thing to hear negative talk about yourself from your enemies, but quite another to come to the realization that you’re your own worst enemy because of what you do to undermine your self-confidence and sabotage your efforts.

You may have experienced so much self-loathing that you come to believe what you’re saying. That’s a dangerous place to be because you’ll be frustrated, indecisive and unmotivated to follow a path that will lead you to success.

Imagine talking to a good friend or child with the same negative and hateful words that you use to talk to yourself. If you love that friend or child, you’d never think of using those tactics. 

So, why do you berate yourself? The answer is that the demoralizing voice inside your mind has its own game plan – and that is to make you doubt yourself so much that you fail miserably. 

You certainly wouldn’t want a friend to fail because of what you said. When you begin to acknowledge and understand the power that the thinking process has over you, it’s time to do something about it. 

To overcome your own self, you have to be able to discern which inner words are unrealistic and begin to discard them from your vocabulary. During the self-analysis process, ask yourself if you appreciate the small things in your life. 

It’s great to have grandiose goals and dreams such as a new house, car and plenty of money in the bank, but have you thought about the pleasure of a cool breeze on a hot summer day or the way the rain makes the world seem clean again?

Those are the small things in our lives which must also be appreciated for what they are and what they add to your life. When you learn to appreciate the smaller things in life, the satisfaction and pleasure you feel can make the negative thoughts easier to see for what they are.

When you’re focused on the important things in life, such as your health and all of the blessings that have come your way, it’s more difficult for negatives to take root in your mind.

Selling yourself short by practicing negative self talk can damage and perhaps annihilate your full potential. You’ll hold yourself back from experiences that can make you happy and fulfilled and make excuses about why what you want to do will never happen.

Try not to focus on things you have no control over and concentrate instead on your capabilities. Pat yourself on the back once in awhile. When it comes to Internet marketing, every day you show up to serve is a day worth celebrating!

Self-Doubt Stems From A Lack Of Belief In Your Abilities

If you don’t believe in yourself, who will? Successful entrepreneurs have all experienced moments of self doubt, but also have an amazing ability to move past the lack of confidence and force themselves to go on. 

That ability comes from experience and knowledge that even failure provides an advantage of knowing that you tried. Newbies to online marketing can sometimes find themselves in a perpetual state of self doubt. 

They lack the experience to know they can overcome obstacles on the way to becoming a successful entrepreneur. That self doubt can make or break even the most successful entrepreneur and paralyze him or her so that no action is taken, and failure is imminent. 

Remember your school days? You were required to sit at a desk, learn, turn in homework, and take tests to see what you’ve learned. Now, you have to take that initiative on your own. 

Learning, experimenting, and brainstorming new ideas is a bit like learning to ride a bicycle. You’ll likely fall several times, but eventually you’ll get on that bike one day and move on down the path like a pro.

After you’ve ridden the bicycle a few times, you don’t even think about how it works – you just do it. As an entrepreneur, you know there’s always something new to try or think about. 

You can either choose to give it all you’ve got – or leave an idea by the wayside and move on to something else. An idea may work for some, but it may not be for you. You’ll learn to be discretionary in latching on to new ideas or different ways to do things. 

Eventually, that ability will be so innate that you won’t even have to think about it as you move forward to meet your goals. Sometimes, you’ll try something that backfires or simply doesn’t work out the way you thought it would. 

Rather than doubting your ability and becoming paralyzed by the situation, take a step back and remember what got you where you are in the first place. Even newbies can think back and remember what decisions led them to take action and become a marketing entrepreneur. 

It’s likely a decision based on goals you’ve achieved in the past or a deep interest or appreciation you have for the possibility of making more money and having a business of your own.

And then forgive yourself for any mistakes you may have made. These mistakes give you the advantage of knowledge and you can now move ahead knowing you won’t make that mistake ever again. Your ability to succeed has just increased.

Translate Your Excuses When Self Doubt Rears Its Ugly Head

Excuses stem from self-doubt and may occur when you least expect it. For example, you may be on the verge of a big launch that you’ve worked on, thought about and strategized for a very long time. 

All of a sudden (maybe in the middle of the night), you break out in a cold sweat and thoughts of failure that you can’t squash. Fear can take over your mind, body and life before you know it - unless you can weed out the legitimate fears from those originating from unfounded doubts about your abilities. 

Although the groundwork of journaling, affirmations and meditation is helpful to assuage these doubts, fear is bound to occur. Rather than giving in to doubts right away and slinking away in the night, be honest with yourself. 

How much of the self-doubt is real – and how much of what you’re feeling, and thinking are right out lies? When your thoughts and fears are legitimate, you should automatically start thinking of ways to turn things around. 

By getting your fears out into the open, you can carefully examine them for legitimacy. Your fears may stem from thinking you’re not an expert in what you’re trying to accomplish. 

If there’s something you don’t know, it’s fairly easy – with all the powers of the Internet – to find answers. Many times, it’s the experience you get from trying (and even failing) that pushes you toward the status of expert. 

And even the thought of being an actual expert in your field may cause you fear and concern. What if you fail or let people down? Think about the worst that can happen if your latest venture fails miserably. 

You may lose money and your time and effort may fall by the wayside, but you may also have learned a huge lesson. Try to look for the positives in any failure. They can help ensure your next success.

It may help you quiet your own fears and doubts by realizing that everyone has them. Even the most successful among us have been humbled by negative thoughts that creep into their minds. How they handle the fears and how long it affects them separates the true entrepreneurs from the wannabes.

The best way to stop making excuses and get on with the business of being successful is to replace those self doubting thoughts the minute they enter your mind. Experiment with what method(s) work best for you.

As you can appreciate, a lot of this is dependent on the way you think and if you want to know more about developing a good mindset for success, please click on the featured resource below for a free report; download, read it and take action 🙂

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Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Marketers

Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Marketers

Comparing yourself to other marketers can only hurt your current and future prospects. You may not have the same level of experience as the people you’re comparing yourself to, and another person’s accomplishment may not be the miraculous turnaround you think it is.

Comparisons between yourself and other marketers might lead to self-doubt. Some people appear to have the Midas touch with whatever subject they choose to work on, but you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes to achieve their success.

Successful entrepreneurs have most likely invested a significant amount of time, money, and effort into their businesses. It may appear simple, but chances are they had numerous doubts about their own ability to succeed before they started.

Comparison to others and the resulting self-doubt happens in any industry, but it’s more common in Internet marketing because you’re always putting yourself out there and promoting yourself and your ideas to other people.

If the inevitable failures are factored in, another person’s success may appear to you to be very different. Huge and consistent triumphs of others can make you feel like a loser – since someone is always generating more money or appears to be successful with every product launch.

Comparisons like these are harmful to your self-esteem and might derail your goals. You may be unaware of their previous failures or the amount of time and money they’ve invested to get to this point.

Viewing similarities as challenges is one approach to look at things differently. “If she can do it, I know I can!” could be the adrenaline boost you need to take action and achieve your own success.

Many people who have achieved some level of success use comparisons to others to plan their future business movements and as a motivator for them. It provides quick insight to trends and what’s working for others so you can incorporate many of the same ideas for yourself.

Many types of businesses are fiercely competitive, notably Internet marketing. Examining the tactics of other marketers might be beneficial if you use them as models rather than negatively comparing yourself to them.

Self-doubt can become your worst enemy in the future. Avoid making unfavorable comparisons to others and instead concentrate on your current and future goals to achieve the success you desire.

Entrepreneurs Will Only Be Validated By Themselves

Validation is important to your self-esteem and can help lift you to new heights. Without it, self doubt sets in and you begin to lose belief in your ability to meet your goals. A child hopefully receives validation from his or her parents.

Positive reinforcement nudges the child to reach higher and try new things. Online entrepreneurs, however, usually have to validate themselves to feel good about themselves and what they’ve already accomplished.

The explanation for this could be that few people understand how Internet marketing works and how much planning and preparation an entrepreneur needs to achieve the desired outcomes. When it comes to certifying your work, there are several options.

Although praise and gratitude may arrive unexpectedly, there are ways to celebrate yourself and your accomplishments. A gratitude diary can assist you in recognizing all of the good things that occurred throughout your day or week.

Make a list of decisions you’re proud of, as well as goals you’ve achieved with your time and effort. Even the smallest accomplishments can be a cause for celebration.

Avoid judging yourself harshly. Those are negative thoughts you don’t need and can affect your emotions and decision-making. Find the positive in what you’re accomplishing and don’t let anyone else have a part in judging you too harshly.

Ask yourself what you require right now to help you feel healthier, more motivated, or more energetic in order to achieve and exceed the goals you’ve set for yourself. Rather of rejecting or depriving yourself, try to provide what you require.

If you’re feeling down and out, your body may want some activity or correct nutrition to feel more energized. When you disregard your sentiments, it’s easy to become caught up in negative thinking and forget all of your accomplishments.

Validating oneself promotes self-esteem and maintains the belief that you can achieve everything you set your mind to. Remember that validating yourself is not the same as self-indulgence.

It’s a way to renew your spirit of entrepreneurship and carry on to reach the success you long for. You’ll gain strength and be better able to calm the negative and debilitating thoughts when you find ways to reassure yourself that you’re worthy of the success you seek and extremely able to find the path to reach it.

Finding The Right Balance Between Desensitization And Taking Things Too Seriously

Criticism is sometimes difficult to manage. Constructive criticism, however well delivered, can hurt as much as the intentionally cruel criticism, but if you view both types the right way, it can be very helpful to you in your business ventures.

Some people appear to be unaffected by criticism. Others become enraged when they are chastised, which may jeopardize their final goals. The best way to deal with criticism is to strike a balance between desensitizing yourself to the point of being unfeeling – and taking it too personally to the point of being discouraged and sabotaging your efforts.

Because it isn’t done face to face, online criticism can be especially vicious. You are free to criticize with harsher words because you are not concerned about the other person’s reaction.

When someone criticizes your efforts, he may be in a foul mood and unjustly take it out on you. Your initial instinct may be to lash out at the person with your own harsh comments.

Taking a minute to think about it is the greatest approach to combat that initial reaction and avoid reacting in a way you’ll regret. Take a deep breath, take a step back, and wait until you’ve cooled down and can think more clearly before reacting.

Fight the negatives with positives. If someone has criticized you in a way that is rude and unjustified, finding a kernel of honest feedback in the criticism can turn it around so that both you and the person who criticized can learn from it.

Criticism can provide you a unique opportunity to improve – and to demonstrate to others that you have a distinct and positive perspective on criticism. It will probably surprise others when you appreciate them for their input (especially those who are severe critics).

Your attitude has the potential to change their minds and convert them into fans. You’ll feel better about yourself even if the person doesn’t respond positively to your good attitude.

It is possible to grow your business by learning from criticism. The critique may only teach you a small amount of truth, but it may motivate you to put more effort into your online efforts.

Never let the words of others result in a heap of self doubt. Take their $0.02 and apply it wherever you feel it’s worthy and then discard the rest. Stay above the fray and accept criticism with grace and diplomacy rather than giving in to your first reaction.

Criticism and self doubt affect the way you think and if you are living with doubt you need to start to think differently. If you want to know more about developing a positive success mindset, check out the featured resource below for a free report; download, read it and take action 🙂

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Overcoming Doubt And Becoming More Positive

Overcoming Self Doubt And Becoming More Positive

Overcoming Self Doubt And Becoming More Positive

One of the hardest things that some people ever do is transform themselves from a person full of self-doubt to a self-assured person that believes in themselves. But, the truth is that no matter where you are in life right now, no matter how many mistakes you’ve made, opportunities you’ve passed up, or what’s happened to you in life, you can overcome your self-doubt and start believing in yourself.

This is true even if you had a poor upbringing and even if you’ve never believed in yourself before. It’s within your power, and it will change your life completely.

So, congratulations on reading this article, soaking it in, and implementing the suggestions. Once you do, within just a short period of time you’ll start feeling better about yourself, feel more confident, successful and know that your future is bright.

Let’s get started learning how you can overcome self-doubt and believe in yourself.

What Is Self-Doubt?

The dictionary defines self-doubt as, “the lack of confidence in oneself and one’s abilities.” This is a very good definition, but it doesn’t fully demonstrate the problems caused by self-doubt and not believing in yourself.

Think about these questions:

  • What are the dangers of self-doubt?
  • How does self-doubt affect your life?
  • Where does self-doubt come from?
  • And most importantly, how do you overcome it?

In this article we’ll give the answers to all these questions and more. If it helps, take notes as you read through when you notice issues that resonate most with your current situation. Everyone has different issues, reasons for their self-doubt, and problems in their life. You’re a unique person and there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

The Dangers Of Self-Doubt And How It Affects Your Life

There are many dangers inherent in hanging on to self doubt that you should be aware of. If you suffer from self doubt, it’s important to understand the type of damage you’re doing to yourself if you continue to hang on to it. It has affected your past, is affecting your present and can devastate your future if you don’t deal with it. Here’s why.

  • Self-Doubt Damages Motivation – When you don’t think you can do much, and don’t trust yourself to do something right, fear can get in the way of doing anything. This can turn into a severe lack of motivation to do more than you have to just to get by. It can affect your entire life because you may have fewer satisfying relationships, a job you hate, and not enjoy life much.
  • Self-Doubt Causes Procrastination – If you don’t think you know how to do things “right” then you may end up thinking you’re a perfectionist, which is just a way to procrastinate and never finish anything or finish it at the last minute. This is how you set yourself up for failure. No one is perfect and perfection is not necessary to thrive in this life.
  • Self-Doubt Leads to Regret – When you miss opportunities, you will experience regret. Regret, when left unresolved, can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. This will then build upon itself to create even more self-doubt, which will create more regret, and so on.
  • Self-Doubt Causes Defeatism – If you allow self-doubt to continue, you can start to become almost morbid in your belief that you cannot experience anything good or happy. It’s essentially an acceptance of failure.
  • Self-Doubt Stunts Self-Improvement – When you have no faith in yourself, it’s hard to even think about self-improvement. You think you have too much to improve because you can’t do anything, and maybe you even think you’re a victim of your circumstances to a point that you cannot achieve even if you try.
  • Self-Doubt Stifles Inspiration – When you don’t believe in yourself, it’s hard to get inspired to do anything new or to create anything new. Ending the self-doubt will bring out the creativity you already really have.

As you can see and may have experienced yourself, self-doubt can be dangerous and these are all good reasons on their own to work toward overcoming self-doubt and learning to believe in yourself.

How To Identify Where Your Self-Doubt Lies

 Knowing how you developed self-doubt can sometimes help lead to recovering from that condition. You can build self-esteem by getting to the bottom of how it happened.

Some people did have self-esteem at one point, then lost it. Some never had it in the first place.

No matter how you determine what causes your self-doubt, you’ll be able to overcome it. It doesn’t matter if it’s something that developed over time or something you learned in childhood. You can work toward building your belief in yourself so that you can overcome self-doubt.

Limiting Beliefs Learned In Childhood

Unfortunately, many people learn to put off their dreams and limit their ideas due to well-meaning parents (or sometimes they’re not so well-meaning but perhaps abusive parents) who are also stuck in their own self-doubting lives and cannot ever envision anything different.

This happens a lot in communities where people are often born very poor and end up lacking experiences and education to see beyond their own lives to the possibilities that are outside their world.

It’s not usually the fact that parents want to keep their kids from dreaming; they’re just trying to be realistic. When their child tells them about their big dream to travel the world and become a writer, they react in fear and make statements that may be statistically true but that limit their child.

For example, they might discourage their child from becoming a writer by telling them no one makes money writing, or they might discourage their child from becoming anything that is above what they’re used to due to the fear of the costs and the fear that their child really can’t do it even if they try. But this is only due to their own lack of success and understanding of life.

This rubs off on the kids. That’s why statistically most people do not break out of the class they were born to. The exciting thing to remember, though, is that some people do, and the reason they do is they were able to see and envision the possibilities and then take the action to see it through.

Past Experiences From Bad Relationships

If you used to have a good self-image and didn’t suffer from much self-doubt but then suddenly or over time started to develop self doubt, it’s possible that you allowed your past experiences and bad relationships to get into your head and create this self-doubting experience.

It can be a parent relationship, a friendship, a love interest, a spouse, even a child who is dragging you down and creating the self-doubt in your life. These relationships are sometimes defined as toxic relationships. Unfortunately, a toxic relationship can involve any type of relationship, both relatives to non-relatives.

If you’ve been in a relationship where a person criticizes and cuts down your ideas and tells you that it’s impossible, or tells you about all that can go wrong or is even abusive to you about your ideas, you may have learned your self-doubt from past relationships.

If you are still in any of these relationships, it may be time to end it if you cannot explain to the person that you are going to do what you’re going to do regardless of their opinion due to fear of abuse.

Bad Work Environments And Experiences

At some point in your life, if you had a job of any kind that turned into a bad experience (especially if it started with your first job), this can stunt you for a lifetime if you let it. Sadly, many people, especially those who take service-oriented jobs or lower paying jobs, end up with bad experiences.

Even some people who have higher paying jobs can allow criticism to affect them so badly that they develop a fear of failure which causes them to not take risks. This in turn ends up causing them to get bad job reviews. Then after a bad job review, the person may react badly to that and end up more stuck.

As you can see, this path can end up affecting a person badly at the time and in their future if they are unable to understand that sometimes things happen to good people. They can’t accept that they’re a good person and a bad thing happened to them. Or they can’t learn from their mistakes and realize that they can do better next time. This is a dangerous pattern that can grow and become more than it should.

Lack Of Life Experiences

Sometimes a person can suffer from self doubt simply due to a lack of experience. If you were overly sheltered in childhood, were sick, or had issues that caused you to not have a lot of experiences in life, that can turn into fear, anxiety, and even other problems such as agoraphobia that prevent you from stepping out of your comfort zone.

If you have no successful experiences to look back on, it can be hard to imagine success. If you have only experienced failure, it can be doubly hard to envision success later.

Whatever the reason for these experiences: overprotective parents, an illness, undiagnosed mental illness, being super-shy… whatever is causing it needs to be addressed so that you can start experiencing small successes and know what if feels like. If you don’t know what that feels like, it’s going to be hard to move forward.

Your Zip Code

This can be hard to accept for some people, but where you are born makes a huge difference in how you view the world and your own place and potential in it. If you’re born on third base, you can still experience self-doubt if you have controlling parents who see only one way that you can have success, such as following in the family business when you don’t want to.

But most of the time it’s because you were born either in a place without a lot of opportunities or you were born to parents who, while loving, are poor.

The sad fact is that most people do not escape the situation they were born into today. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t. It just means that due to lack of vision, most people only know what’s inside their own small portion of the world, and don’t have their eyes open to the possibilities out there for them.

Just by reading this, no matter what your situation is, you are getting your eyes opened to the possibilities in the world to escape your circumstances and make the most of your life in a way that makes you thrive. That’s a great thing and can make so much difference.

Undiagnosed Anxiety

Anxiety can actually be a symptom of self-doubt, but it goes in a circle. Self-doubt can cause anxiety and if you can find a way to address the anxiety, you may be able to lessen the effects of your self-doubt. Many people who have anxiety describe it as a bad feeling of a million butterflies in their stomachs whenever they think of doing something that makes them uncomfortable.

Often, this feeling is so bad that the person suffers from panic attacks, which can be debilitating. Some people don’t get the panic attacks but they don’t push themselves beyond that feeling of butterflies that they experience as unpleasant.

There is a theory that adrenaline junkies see this same feeling as positive and they seek it out, whereas a person with anxiety uses that same feeling to stop doing anything that causes that feeling. Interesting, isn’t it?

If you suspect that you have anxiety, it can be hard to even get the help you need by going to your doctor and telling them about it because that also makes you anxious. You fear they’ll think you’re silly. But you can get help with your anxiety by seeking help from your doctor.

Some anxiety is caused by vitamin deficiencies, so your doctor will likely perform some blood tests and they may recommend you see a psychiatrist who can prescribe medications to help you (at least on a temporary basis) so that you can start experiencing success instead of being blocked from it.

It’s important not to allow this to cause you to stay stuck in your current patterns. The healthiest people seek help and even if you don’t want to take medications, there is help for you to overcome anxiety disorders naturally too.

Established Patterns

Often people experience self-doubt simply due to patterns they’ve established since childhood, or in some place in adulthood that sent them down a bad path of experiencing failure or even something traumatic.

For example, everything could have been going fine, then something traumatic happened like a car accident, a death in the family, and so forth. This may start leading you down a path of repeating bad patterns or accepting that your life is just going to be full of failure and you won’t go anywhere. However, this is something you can overcome by changing your patterns.

The process requires that you are introspective enough to be able to see the truth about yourself, your choices, your relationships, and more about your life.

Then you’ll need to be able to take decisive action that will help you start to experience success in your life that you can build on as you overcome your self-doubt and start believing in yourself. Even now, there are so many reasons that you should believe in yourself. Once you start realizing that, this part should be simple.

Reasons To Believe In Yourself

Let’s go over some reasons that you should believe in yourself so that you can combat and rid your life of self doubt. The fact is, this something that must come from within and not from other people.

The idea that if you don’t believe in yourself no one else will is very true. That might seem harsh, but it’s a fact that you’ll need to deal with in your quest to develop your new belief in yourself.

Read the information below, take it in, and really believe it. It’s true of everyone, and you are included in this. You were born with everything you need to experience success in life.

Your success may look different from someone else’s success and that’s okay. You should be the one who is happy living your life because it’s your life to live.

Bear these things in mind:

  • You Deserve It – You really do deserve to have a happy, full, and successful life that you enjoy. You can and should wake up each day ready and psyched to continue each day, no matter what it brings. You deserve to feel good about yourself and to rid yourself of self-doubt. You deserve to live a life that invigorates you, regardless of your circumstances. Even if you are experiencing challenges that no one else can relate to, you can still overcome them and live a fulfilling life.
  • Your Current Relationships – Look at the relationships you have now that are successful. The ones that make you happy. The ones that are supportive. The ones where you are supportive and helpful and make you feel needed. They likely believe in you, and you believe in them. Imagine if you told those people how you feel inside about yourself; wouldn’t they support you and try to talk you out of your self-doubt?
  • Where You Are Now – Even if you’re struggling now, you’ve survived this long, right? That means you’re doing something right. You’re alive and you’re able to get this and read it. That’s a positive that you should focus on right now. Focus on what you have right this moment that is good and that is a reason to believe in yourself.
  • Prior Success – If you’ve been successful at something, revel in that. Did you manage to get up this morning? That’s a success. Did you do well in school? That’s a success. Did you get a driver’s license? That’s a success. If you need to get down to the very smallest success, that’s okay. You don’t have to have huge successes to draw on to know what it feels like to be successful doing something.
  • You’re Just As Good as Others – Remember that you are just as good as someone else and deserve the life that you want to live. No one deserves it more than you do. No one is more special and for that fact neither are you. But, even though everyone is basically the same, we all have different ideas of what constitutes success and that too is just as good as the next person’s idea of success.

The truth is, if you look from a distance at your problems and put them into relation to the world, how important are they really? If you’ve made some bad choices that have resulted in going through a rough patch emotionally, financially, or spiritually, that’s okay – this is how you grow in life. You grow in life through experiences. It really is how you react to these struggles that make up who you are.

Let’s look at how to overcome negative thoughts so that you can better deal with self-doubt.

How To Overcome Negative Thoughts

It is possible to train your mind to overcome and turn negative thoughts around. Let’s look at some strategies to turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts, or to at least stop the negative thoughts faster when they start.

  • Change The Focus – When you encounter a negative situation, try to immediately turn it into something positive by focusing on what you can learn about the situation. Even if all you learn is that you don’t want to do that again, that’s a positive thing.
  • Most People Don’t Care – The truth is, even if you say the wrong thing or dress what you think is wrong for an event or do something that you feel embarrassed about, most people don’t care that much. If you can develop the ability to laugh at the situation, that’s even better. Most people really don’t have time to think about your bad choices, especially if it doesn’t affect them.
  • Ask Whether You’re Being Too Serious – Sometimes it’s easy to take something seriously when it shouldn’t be. Does it really matter if you slipped and fell when you were trying to sit in your seat at work? Does it really matter that you put on the wrong shoes? Does it really matter that much if you pronounced a word wrong? Don’t hyper-focus on one mistake or one bad day.
  • Replace Negativity In Your Life – Whether it’s people, places, or things, it’s time to rid your life of negativity when you can. Sometimes negative people attract negative people. If you want to be more positive, try to find new friends, new activities, and things that make you happy and feel positive.
  • Don’t Make Decisions Bigger Than They Are – Many people plagued with self-doubt tend to have trouble making decisions. Even if it’s just what to wear, what to eat, or what to buy, they’re turned into bigger situations than they are. When you are making any decision, ask yourself whether this is going to matter in a month, six months, or even five years from now. That way, you’ll be able to determine whether this is a serious situation you need to spend more time on or if you need to just make a choice and either get on with it or not.
  • Take To Someone – Now, make sure the person you’re talking to is positive and doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself. Sometimes it helps to ask someone if you’re overacting, especially if you can find someone who understands how you’re trying to change your life and get over self-doubt. This may be a professional, a life coach, or a friend – even someone from a support group or an entire support group.
  • Stop Thinking About It – Sometimes negative thoughts can ruin the experience you’re living. It’s better to try to shelve the negative thoughts during the experience and try to really live in the moment. Being in the present enables you to truly realize that this thing isn’t negative at all, or not as much as your mind is trying to tell you. Then when you look back on it, you will likely be able to pick out a lot more positives than negatives.
  • Exercise – When it comes down to it, most of us have a lot of extra energy (adrenaline) that needs to be burned off. Some people realize this and that’s why they get moving. Whenever you start experiencing negative thoughts, instead of letting yourself do it, get some exercise. Go to the gym, go for a run, go for a walk, ride your bike, jump rope, go for a swim – anything that you can do that you like doing is a good thing to do instead of thinking negatively.
  • Realize When It’s Really Fear – Sometimes negativity will poke its head in your life when you’re doing something a little bit uncomfortable or pushing your comfort zone a bit. There is a quote by George Addair that is useful here, “Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” If you can remind yourself of this quote when you are experiencing negative thoughts associated with fear, you can overcome it.

It will help a lot with overcoming negative thoughts if you put these suggestions into action. You may come up with some of your own too. The point is, you want to turn negative thoughts around so that you can instead experience positivity in your day. That way, you don’t get stuck in a pattern of self doubt.

Strategies For Dealing With Self-Doubt

Now, let’s go over some important ways to deal with self-doubt when it happens. Be assured that even the most successful person works to overcome self-doubt at times. Feeling self-doubt is not the problem. Letting self-doubt control you, make your decisions for you, and rule your life is the problem.

  • You’re Not Alone – Everyone experiences self-doubt and whether you have friends, family, or anyone to talk to right now about this, you are not alone in your feelings. It’s all how you react to it that matters. You can find others to commiserate with by joining Facebook groups or other types of groups and forums to help feel less alone with your issues.
  • Keep A Journal – One way to overcome self-doubts is to keep a journal to help remind yourself of accomplishments that you have experienced. You can talk about the self-doubt you felt and how you pushed through it. It doesn’t have to be a false representation of what you’re doing, but do try to focus on the positives of each situation and what you learned from it.
  • Don’t Compare Yourself To Others – The worst thing you can do is to make comparisons of your life to someone else’s. This only breeds more self-doubt and even jealousy. The truth is, you have no idea what other people have gone through to be where they are, or even if they’re really being honest about their situation. You only know the truth about your own situation.
  • Learn Gratitude – Every single event in life has something to be grateful for. Even the worst things can be turned around to be a lesson that can help you in the next situation in your life. People who have overcome the worst things that you can imagine – death, crime, illness – all have one thing in common: that’s their ability to see the positives in it or at least be grateful they knew the person, loved the person, or something good.
  • Set Small, Immediate Goals – One way to overcome issues with self-doubt is to experience success. Start setting small goals that allow you to experience immediate success. It depends where you are in your journey, but success can be as small as getting up in the morning, to going to the store, to something more challenging like applying for new jobs. (Note that this said “applying for new jobs”, not getting one.)
  • Surround Yourself With Positive People – Take the time to pick out people you already know who makes you feel good about yourself. If you don’t have those people in your life, it’s time to seek them out. You can find people via meetups online, taking a class, group meetings, a book club and so forth. The important thing is to start being around positive people more.
  • Learn To Respect Obstacles – Everyone has obstacles that prevent them from experiencing full joy and push them back into self-doubt. Everyone. The way to deal with these issues is to respect the fact that you may have something to learn or gain from the experience. Find a way to respect the obstacles that are put in front of you and learn from them.
  • Learn From Mistakes – When you make a mistake, instead of beating yourself up, accept it and learn from it. Sometimes it helps to write down the experience in your journal with a focus on what you learned and how you’ll do it differently if that comes up again.
  • Know When To Walk Away – There are times when giving up is not a failure. There are many times in life where you try something but it’s just not working for you and it’s time to walk away. That may be a business choice, a relationship choice, or something else entirely. If it’s causing you too much stress that cannot be overcome, it’s time to leave it and move on.
  • It’s OK To Be Uncomfortable – One thing to realize about life is that it’s okay to be uncomfortable sometimes. You won’t grow if you don’t experience some discomfort. That doesn’t mean you have to be into mental, physical, or spiritual torture; it’s just that feeling a little fearful, uncomfortable or unsure is natural. Put things into perspective so that you know you’re making good choices.
  • Assess Your Strengths And Weaknesses – One way to deal with self-doubt is to honestly figure out where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Then, develop your strength and even improve upon your weaknesses when you can. Sometimes the way you improve a weakness is to let someone else deal with it. For example, if you’re a bad cook but you want to lose weight, and don’t want to learn to cook, it’s okay to order a meal kit or to get someone else to do it if you have the ability. There is always a way around a weakness. The strengths you possess naturally can also be improved upon almost painlessly.
  • Get Accountability – When you are trying to overcome self-doubt and start believing in yourself, it can help to have someone around who can offer accountability. This can be a life coach, a counselor, a friend or a group. It’s best not to choose a friend without their knowledge, though. If you have a positive friend who is willing to help you, that’s okay. But if they don’t know what they’re doing, they may lead you astray. A life coach is a great way to help build your self-image and overcome self-doubt so that you can believe in yourself because they have training and know their role.

These strategies for dealing with self-doubt will not work for you if you don’t implement them. The issues with self-doubt are so serious that they can make you stuck in a life that you don’t want and aren’t loving. This can lead to anxiety, depression, and that can spiral into a bad situation.

If you really want to experience true joy in life, believe in yourself, and get rid of the debilitating self-doubt you’re experiencing, start implementing now. Don’t delay or make excuses.

What To Do Right Now

Now that you’ve read all of that, you are probably wondering where to start, so use this last part to get yourself organized and ready for change.

If you really want to overcome self doubt and start believing in yourself, it will take action on your part. So, let’s get started.

Pinpoint Where Your Self-Doubt Began

Using what you’ve learned, it’s important to figure out where your self-doubt began. It may be from childhood, in which case it may take some professional help to overcome it.

It may be something you fell into due to other issues that need to be identified. If you’re in a toxic relationship, for example, you may have to work on getting out of it before you can move forward.

Honestly Assess Your Strengths And Weaknesses

One way to do this is to get out some paper and a writing utensil, and simply write on one side of the paper your strengths, and on the other side your weaknesses.

Then take a highlighter and highlight the things you want to work on to improve your strengths and the things you would like to do better in terms of your weaknesses.

Get A Physical From A Doctor

This is important because sometimes self-doubt is caused by anxiety and sometimes anxiety can be caused by vitamin deficiencies.

Get a vitamin panel and tell your doctor that you’re experiencing anxiety.

They’ll know which vitamins to test for to ensure that you can get the information you need.

Eat Right And Exercise

This may seem silly but eating right and exercising can be one of your first successes and experiences that you can look back to that show that you make good choices.

This small thing can give you the confidence you need to stop having so much self-doubt in your life, building your ability to believe in yourself. If all you do is add more water, more fruits, and veggies and start walking each day, that’s going to help a lot.

Buy A Journal

Find a good paper journal that you can write in each day before you go to bed and when you first wake up.

It’s good to do this without technology because it’ll be something you can do without causing you to experience extra stress from the blue light in technology that can cause people to experience anxiety and insomnia.

Seek Out Help

Whether you have a friend you know will help you, or you feel the need to seek professional help in the form of a counselor or life coach, it’s important to find help.

The right help for you is what works. It doesn’t matter what anyone else uses; it only matters what is working for you to build your belief in yourself while you’re letting go of self-doubt.

Make Small Goals

Set some small goals so that you can experience success. Your small goals might consist only of the things on this list.

But you may have identified some things by reading this that stick out to you as small goals that you can immediately see results from that you want to add.


You can learn all that you want to learn about ridding yourself of self-doubt and building your belief in yourself, but if you don’t act and do something (in other words, implement), you won’t see the success you desire.

Even if it’s the smallest thing, like reading this or taking a course, or finding a group, that’s doing something. Small things can lead to big results.

Hopefully, you’ve learned a lot of information that is going to help you build your self-image, help you get rid of self-doubt, and move toward believing in yourself again quickly. Remember that nothing is gained without putting one foot in front of the other. But also remember that you are capable, you can do it, and you deserve to do it too. You are worth it.

Self esteem and self doubt  affect the way you think and if you are living with doubt you need to start to think differently. If you want to know more about developing a positive success mindset, check out the featured resource below for a free report; download, read it and take action 🙂

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