

10 Ways To Rebuild Your Confidence

19th January
By Jason Daly

10 Ways To Rebuild Your Confidence

Do you feel like your self-esteem and confidence have taken a hit? Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed with the challenges life throws your way or have been dealing with a negative mindset that has been hard to shake. You may feel like you’ve lost your confidence, and it’s difficult to get it back. It’s important to remember that confidence is a state of mind and can be rebuilt.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 ways to rebuild your confidence and get back on track to feeling your best. From learning how to practice positive self-talk and focusing on your strengths, to building supportive relationships and setting achievable goals - we’ll discuss all the ways you can start to rebuild your confidence.

So, if you’re ready for a confidence boost, let’s get started!

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Rebuilding confidence can be a difficult task for many of us, especially when we're constantly comparing ourselves to others. We know we should be happy with ourselves and our accomplishments, but it's hard to shake the feeling that we could be doing better, or that somebody else is doing better.

But when it comes to rebuilding confidence, it's essential to remember that it starts with you. No amount of comparing yourself to others will help you get to where you want to be. So how do you go about rebuilding your confidence and stop comparing yourself to others?

You need to remind yourself that everyone is different. Everyone has their own unique talents and qualities that make them great at what they do. While it's natural to look around and see people doing things that you wish you could do, it doesn't mean that you're not capable of achieving those things yourself. You simply have to find your own path and work hard to get there.

Boost Confidence By Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

We all know that our comfort zone is a place where we feel safe and comfortable. We don't like to leave our comfort zone, as it's our haven from the worries and uncertainties of the world. However, sometimes it's important to get out of our comfort zone and take risks to gain new experiences and develop our confidence.

When we stay in our comfort zone, we stay in a safe bubble where there is no real challenge or risk. We don't learn and grow from our experiences. We might even be too scared to try new things and become stuck in a rut. By stepping out of our comfort zone and trying something new, we can gain new skills and perspectives and become more confident in ourselves.

Start small. Take on a new hobby or try something you've been meaning to do for a while. This can be anything from taking a cooking class to learning a language. By doing something new and challenging, you'll gain self-confidence.

You could also try something risky and physically challenging, like going rock climbing or zip-lining. These activities require you to face your fears and push yourself beyond your boundaries. Through these experiences, you'll gain a sense of accomplishment and pride in yourself.

If you're feeling adventurous, you could look for ways to help other people. Volunteering can be a great way to get out of your comfort zone, gain self-confidence, and make a positive impact on the world. You'll come away from the experience feeling proud and empowered.

Getting out of our comfort zone may seem scary, but it can be incredibly rewarding. It can help us gain confidence and gain new skills and perspectives.

Take Action & Celebrate Small Wins

Confidence is a crucial part of success. It can make or break any goal you set for yourself. Unfortunately, confidence can often be fragile and easily shattered.

One of the most effective ways to rebuild your confidence is to take small steps and celebrate your progress. When you start to see progress, no matter how small, it can be a powerful boost to your self-esteem and help you keep going.

Action is the first step to rebuilding your confidence. The more you take action, the more you will learn and grow, and the more confident you will become. When you take action, you start to build evidence that you can do things and accomplish your goals.

Another important step in rebuilding confidence is to celebrate your small wins. It can be tempting to focus on the big successes and overlook the small victories, but it's important to appreciate and celebrate all of your wins, big and small. When you celebrate your successes, it reinforces the idea that you are good at something and diminishes the fear of failure.

Rebuilding confidence can be a challenging process, but it's far from impossible. Taking action and celebrating small wins are two essential steps in the process. Doing these two things will help you gain the self-belief and motivation you need to achieve your goals.

Identify Your Strengths & Weaknesses

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses allows you to take stock of the good and bad in your life. It’s important to be honest and realistic in your assessment of yourself and the areas in which you need to work on.

Your strengths are the areas in which you naturally excel. It can be anything from excelling in a particular academic subject to having a knack for public speaking. It could be having a way with words, or a talent for problem-solving. Think about the areas in which you excel and write them down.

Your weaknesses are the areas in which you need to improve. These could be anything from a lack of experience in a certain area to lacking a particular skill set. It might be a fear of public speaking or a lack of understanding of a certain subject. Identify the areas in which you need to work on and write them down.

Once you’ve identified your strengths and weaknesses, you can start to work on them. It’s important to remember that everyone has areas in which they need to improve, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Focus on the positive and start to build your confidence.

For example, if you identified public speaking as a weakness, work on it by attending public speaking classes or by practicing in front of the mirror. You could also try to get involved in local events and gatherings, or even take on a leadership role.

If you identified a lack of experience in a certain area, try to acquire more knowledge by taking classes, reading books, or talking to people more experienced than you. You could also look for ways to gain work experience in that area.

Take your time and be patient. Working on your strengths and weaknesses takes time and effort, but it is worth it in the end. By identifying your strengths and weaknesses, you will be better equipped to rebuild your confidence and self-esteem.

Focus On the Positive In Life

Confidence helps us stay positive, believe in ourselves, and move forward, even in the face of adversity. But sometimes, our confidence can be knocked. Whether it’s a bad experience, a personal setback, or simply a lack of self-belief, it can be hard to stay positive and rebuild our confidence.

The first step to rebuilding your confidence is to focus on the positive aspects of life. Put aside your worries and frustrations and find something to be thankful for. It might be a simple pleasure, like a great cup of coffee, or it might be something bigger, like spending time with family or friends. Even if you’re feeling low, appreciating the good things in life can help lift your mood and give you the energy to move forward.

Another way to focus on the positive and rebuild your confidence is to set achievable goals. Try to make them small and realistic so that you can enjoy the satisfaction of achieving them. This could be anything from taking a new class or learning a new skill, to simply doing something that you’ve been putting off.

Finally, remind yourself of your strengths and successes. Everyone has something they can be proud of, so don’t be afraid to celebrate your achievements and recognize your abilities. Remind yourself that you have the potential to do great things and that you are capable and deserving of success.

Surround Yourself With Supportive People

Having other people around to encourage you, give constructive feedback, and listen to your worries can be invaluable when you’re feeling low in confidence. A supportive environment can provide the psychological safety net you need to grow and make positive changes in your life. If you don’t have many close friends, try reaching out to family members, coworkers, or by joining a support group.

The people who offer you their support should be positive and understanding. When you’re rebuilding your confidence, you’re more likely to be influenced by those who are optimistic and confident themselves. Choose people who will be generous with their praise and honest about what you need to work on. It’s worth noting, however, that you should be careful not to let others define your worth or set unreasonable expectations.

The people around you should also respect your boundaries and be respectful of your decisions. You should never feel like you need to take on more than you can handle or do something you’re not comfortable with. Having supportive people around who respect your decisions, even if they don’t always agree with them, can help you feel more confident in your own choices.

Practice Self-Care & Set Boundaries

When it comes to rebuilding your confidence, self-care and setting boundaries are essential. Between work, family, friends, and other commitments, it can be hard to prioritize yourself. But it’s important to make time to look after your wellbeing and establish healthy boundaries with the people in your life.

Self-care is essential to rebuilding your confidence. Taking care of your physical and mental health is the first step. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating properly, and exercising. Self-care is also about taking time to do the things you love, whether it’s reading, playing an instrument, or spending time in nature. Do something that brings you joy every day.

In addition to self-care, it’s important to set boundaries in your relationships. If you’re constantly putting other people’s needs before your own, it’s time to make a change. Be honest about what you need, and don’t be afraid to say no. Practicing assertiveness will help you feel empowered.

Build Healthy Habits

Building healthy habits is a great way to rebuild your confidence. Healthy habits can give you a much-needed boost of self-esteem and help you feel more empowered in your daily life. 

Here are a couple of ways to start building healthier habits and increase your self-confidence.

Make sure to take care of your body. Taking care of your physical health is essential for your overall wellbeing. Make sure to get enough rest, exercise regularly, and eat a balanced diet. You’ll also want to make sure to stay hydrated and get plenty of fresh air. All of these things will boost your energy levels and help you feel more confident.

Focus on positive self-talk. Negative self-talk can be a major obstacle to feeling confident. Instead of engaging in negative thoughts, focus on positive self-talk. When you start to feel down, remind yourself of all the things you’re good at and all the unique qualities that make you who you are.

Setting goals is a great way to start building healthier habits. Start small and focus on achievable goals. You’ll be more likely to stick with your goals if they’re realistic and within reach. For example, if you’re trying to make healthier eating choices, start by replacing one unhealthy snack with a healthier option each day.

Take Time For Reflection & Growth

As we go through life, it's easy to become overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We often forget to take time for ourselves and reflect on our growth and progress. This is especially true if we've encountered a setback or failure. It's easy to feel discouraged and down about the situation, but it's important to take the time for reflection and growth to rebuild your confidence.

Reflection and growth are important for many reasons, but primarily because they give us the opportunity to identify what we can improve upon and how to work on it. It helps us to be aware of our own strengths and weaknesses and helps us to focus on the areas that we need to work on. This can be difficult to do in the midst of a crisis, but it's important to take the time to reflect on our progress and growth, and how it can help us become more confident.

Taking time to look back on experiences and analyze them can help us identify our strengths and weaknesses and understand what we can do to improve. It can also provide us with valuable insight into the ways in which we think, act, and interact with other people. By reflecting on our experiences, we can gain an understanding of our own behaviors and beliefs, which can help us make changes in our lives and build up our confidence.

Taking the time to develop our skills and knowledge can help us to feel more capable and confident in our abilities. This could include taking classes, reading books, researching topics, networking, or even attending workshops or seminars. Taking the time to actively challenge ourselves and learn new things can help us feel more empowered and confident in our own abilities.

Believe In Yourself & Follow Your Dreams

Nothing can be more empowering than believing in yourself and pursuing your dreams. While it may be difficult to break out of your comfort zone, taking the necessary steps to rebuild your confidence can be incredibly rewarding.

When it comes to believing in yourself, it’s important to focus on what you can do and the things you are capable of achieving. Don’t let your insecurities or the opinions of others get in the way of believing in yourself. Instead, try to focus on your internal strengths and find ways to channel your energy into positive goals. Whether this means taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill, focus on the things that make you feel confident in yourself.

Following your dreams is an integral part of rebuilding your confidence. When you have a dream, don’t let fear or doubt get in the way of achieving it. Instead, create a plan to make that dream a reality. It may take time, but the more you focus on your dream, the closer you will get to making it a reality.

As you continue to work on yourself and your dreams, you will find that your confidence will grow, and you will begin to feel more empowered.

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving” 

– Albert Einstein


Confidence is a powerful asset that can help you overcome obstacles in life. With the help of the strategies outlined in this article, you can build your confidence back up, no matter how low you may have been feeling.

Through self-care, positive thinking, and reaching out for support, you can be on your way to rebuilding your confidence. It may take some time, but you will get there. With a little effort, you can be the confident, capable person that you know you can be.

Being confident requires self-discipline and many people struggle with this, so if you want to harness the power of self discipline, check out the featured resource below for a free report; download, read it and take action 🙂

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Eleven Ways To Overcome Your Fear

24th November
By Jason Daly

Eleven Ways To Overcome Your Fear

Are you afraid of public speaking? Do you get anxious when meeting new people? If you answered "yes" to either of these questions, you're not alone. Fear is a natural emotion that we all experience at one point or another.

But just because fear is natural, doesn't mean we have to let it control us. There are plenty of things we can do to overcome our fears and live a life full of confidence.

In this blog post, we'll share 11 tips on how to overcome your fear. By the end, you'll have a better understanding of how to manage your fears and, hopefully, be on your way to conquering them!

Know Your Fears

We all have fears. Some of us are afraid of the dark, some of us are afraid of heights, and some of us are afraid of public speaking. But what are we really afraid of?

The answer is simple: we're afraid of the unknown. When we don't know what's going to happen, our brain automatically goes into survival mode and starts to worry.

So how can we overcome our fears?

The first step is to understand them. What is it that you're really afraid of? Is it the dark itself, or is it the thought of what might be lurking in the dark? Once you've identified your fear, you can start to work on overcoming it.

Start by facing your fear head on. If you're afraid of the dark, go into a dark room and sit for a while. Don't turn on the lights, don't look at your phone, just sit in the darkness and breathe. Notice how your body reacts. Do you start to feel anxious? Do your heart rate and breathing increase? Just sit with it and observe. The more you do this, the less afraid you'll become of the dark.

If you're afraid of heights, start by going to a high place and just looking out over the edge. Don't go too close, just stand back and take in the view. Again, notice how your body reacts. Do you start to feel dizzy? Do your palms start to sweat? Just observe and breathe. The more you do this, the less afraid you'll become of heights.

The key is to slowly desensitize yourself to your fear. Don't try to force it, just take small steps and let your mind and body adjust at their own pace. You'll be surprised at how quickly you can overcome your fears when you take the time to understand them.

Change Your Mindset

Are you someone who is always looking for the negative in every situation? Do you find yourself dwelling on your mistakes and feeling like you'll never be good enough? If so, it's time for a change.

It's time to change your mindset.

Your mindset is your attitude and outlook on life. It's the way you think about yourself, your abilities, and your circumstances. And it can have a major impact on your success or failure in life. If you have a negative mindset, you'll always see the glass as half empty. You'll focus on your shortcomings and believe that you're not good enough. You'll be pessimistic and expect the worst.

But if you have a positive mindset, you'll see the glass as half full. You'll focus on your strengths and believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. You'll be optimistic and expect the best.

Which mindset do you think will help you be more successful in life? It's not always easy to change your mindset. But it's definitely possible. And it's worth it.

Here are some tips to help you change your mindset:

1. Be aware of your thoughts.

The first step is to become aware of your thoughts. Pay attention to the way you talk to yourself. Are you always putting yourself down? Are you always focusing on the negative?

2. Challenge your negative thoughts.

Once you're aware of your negative thoughts, you can start to challenge them. Are they really true? Are they helpful? Are there any other ways to look at the situation?

3. Practice positive thinking.

Make a conscious effort to think more positive thoughts. Focus on what's going right in your life, not what's going wrong. Focus on your strengths and what you're good at.

4. Be patient.

Changing your mindset takes time. Be patient with yourself and don't expect overnight results. Keep at it and you'll see gradual improvements.

5. Get support.

Talk to a friend or family member who is supportive and positive. They can help you stay motivated and focused on changing your mindset. Changing your mindset is a journey. It's not always easy, but it's definitely worth it, and it can lead to a happier, more successful life.

Write Your Fears Down

Whether it's a fear of failure, a fear of rejection, or a fear of the unknown, we all have something that holds us back from truly living our best lives.

One of the best ways to deal with our fears is to simply write them down. By putting our fears into words, we can begin to understand them better and, hopefully, start to overcome them.

So, what are you afraid of? Take a piece of paper and a pen and start writing. Don't worry about grammar or punctuation, just let the words flow. Once you're finished, take a look at what you've written and see if you can identify any patterns or common themes.

Here are some of the things you might want to include:

What are you afraid of?
What are the consequences of your fear?
What are the odds of the thing you're afraid of actually happening?
What would you do if the thing you're afraid of did happen?

Do you see any patterns? Are there any common themes? What do your fears say about you?

Once you've taken some time to reflect on your fears, it's time to start working on overcoming them. Remember, you're the only one who can change your life, so don't be afraid to take risks and step outside of your comfort zone. You might just surprise yourself.

Take Small Steps

We all have our own set of fears. Some of us are afraid of public speaking, while others are afraid of job interviews or sky diving. No one said you have to do it all in one go. You can take small, bite-sized steps to overcome your fear.

Start by thinking about what it is that you're afraid of. Is it the actual act of speaking in public, or is it the thought of being judged by others? Once you've identified your fear, you can start to work on overcoming it.

If you're afraid of public speaking, start by practicing in front of a mirror. This will help you to get a feel for what you need to do in order to project confidence. Then, try speaking in front of a friend or family member. This will help you to get over your nerves and give you the practice you need.

If you're afraid of job interviews, start by doing some research. Learn as much as you can about the company you're interviewing with and the position you're applying for. This will help you to feel more prepared and confident when you go into the interview. Then, practice your answers to common interview questions with a friend or family member. This will help you to get over your nerves and give you the practice you need.

No matter what your fear is, you can overcome it by taking small, bite-sized steps. Identify your fear, do some research, and then practice, practice, practice. With time and effort, you'll be able to overcome anything that's holding you back.

Outsmart Your Fear

One of the most difficult things to do in life is to face your fears head-on. It's easy to let fear control you, but it's not always easy to stand up to it and conquer it.


When you're faced with something that scares you, it's important to remember that you're not alone. Everyone feels fear at some point in their lives. The key is to not let fear control you.

There are a few things you can do to outsmart your fear. First, it's important to understand what's triggering your fear. If you can identify the source of your fear, you can start to work on addressing it.

Second, try to re-frame your thinking about the situation that's causing you fear. Instead of thinking about all the ways that things could go wrong, focus on the positive outcomes that are possible.

Third, take small steps to face your fear. If you're afraid of public speaking, for example, start by speaking in front of a small group of people. Gradually increase the size of the group as you become more comfortable.

Finally, remember that you're not alone. Talk to a friend or family member about what you're going through. They can offer support and understanding.

Get Support

No one said you had to overcome your fears all by yourself. It’s okay to ask for help. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you can’t do it all on your own, that’s perfectly normal. In fact, it’s a good idea to ask for help when you’re struggling. There’s no shame in admitting that you need a little assistance.

The people who care about you will be more than happy to support you as you work through your fears. Lean on your loved ones for strength and encouragement. Talk to them about what you’re going through and let them know how they can help.

There are also professional resources available if you need more comprehensive support. Therapists can help you understand and work through your fears. They can provide guidance and tools to help you make progress.

Don’t be afraid to reach out for help when you need it. It’s a sign of strength, not weakness.

Create An Action Plan

When it comes to dealing with our fears, it's important to have a plan. After all, taking action is the best way to overcome our fears. But what does a good plan look like? Well, it depends on the fear you're trying to overcome. But there are some general principles that can help you create a plan that will work for you.

1. Start with the end in mind.

When you're making a plan to overcome your fears, it's important to start with the end goal in mind. What do you want to achieve? What does success look like? Keep this in mind as you create your plan.

2. Break it down into smaller steps.

Once you know what your goal is, break it down into smaller steps that you can take to get there. Having a series of smaller goals will help you stay focused and motivated as you work to overcome your fear.

3. Put it in writing.

Writing out your plan can help you clarify your thoughts and make it more concrete. Plus, it can be helpful to refer back to your plan when you're feeling discouraged.

4. Share it with someone you trust.

Telling someone else about your plan can help you stay accountable and on track. Find a friend, family member, or therapist who can offer support and encouragement.

5. Take action.

Of course, the most important part of any plan is to take action. Once you've created your plan, it's time to put it into motion. Don't let your fear stop you from taking the first step.

Making a plan is a great first step in overcoming your fears. But it's only part of the journey. Be patient with yourself and don't give up. With time and effort, you can overcome anything.

Be Inspired

When it comes to fear, we all have our own unique experiences and triggers. For some of us, the thought of public speaking or heights can send us into a panic. Others may have a more general sense of anxiety that can make everyday activities feel daunting.

No matter what your fear is, it's important to remember that you're not alone. Everyone has fears, and everyone (including all the successful people that you admire) has had to deal with them at some point in their life. The key to success is finding ways to overcome your fears and moving forward despite them.


When you're feeling afraid, take a moment to think about someone you admire who has achieved great things despite their fear. This can be anyone, from a historical figure to a businessman or entrepreneur, or even a friend or family member. Consider what they have accomplished and how they overcame their fear.

Remember that if they can do it, so can you. Use their story as inspiration to help you push through your own fears and achieve your goals.

Use What Works For You

When it comes to overcoming our fears, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. We all have different fears, and what works for one person might not work for another. However, there are some techniques that can be helpful for many of us.

One technique that can be helpful is keeping a journal. This can be a way to identify our fears and track our progress in overcoming them. It can also be a way to release our fears and let them go.

Another technique that can be helpful is meditation. This can help us to focus on the present moment and let go of our fears. It can also help us to connect with our inner wisdom and find the strength to face our fears.

Visualizations can also be helpful. This can involve picturing ourselves overcoming our fears or visualizing a peaceful and calm place. This can help to shift our focus and give us the courage to face our fears.

Find a technique that works for you and that you can commit to. Try out different techniques and see what works best for you. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person might not work for another. But if we keep trying, we will find a way to overcome our fears.

Get Physical

When you're under stress, your body goes into "fight or flight" mode, which means that your sympathetic nervous system is activated. This causes your heart rate to increase, your blood vessels to constrict, and your muscles to tense up.

If you're constantly in this state, it can lead to physical problems like headaches, digestive issues, and even heart disease.

Do a quick body check to see if you’re holding any fear in your body. Is your jaw clenched, are your shoulders hunched, your fists clenched? Are you frowning?

That's why it's so important to find ways to release the physical tension that you may be holding in your body. Exercise is a great way to do this, as it helps to release endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters.

Yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation are also great for relaxation. If you can find a way to focus on your breath and clear your mind, it can help to ease the physical tension in your body.

Try to make time for some relaxation and self-care every day. It may be hard to find the time, but your body will thank you for it in the long run.

It's All About Perspective

Worry has a way of distorting reality. It can make small problems seem huge and insurmountable. This is especially true at 4 a.m. when you've been lying awake for hours, worrying about everything that could go wrong.

The first step to putting your worries into perspective is to take a deep breath and remind yourself that most things are not as bad as they seem. Most problems have a way of working themselves out, one way or another.

Try to focus on the things that you can control and let go of the things that you can't. Worrying about things that you can't control is a waste of energy and only serves to make you feel more stressed.

Take things one step at a time. Break down your worries into manageable pieces and tackle them one at a time. You'll be surprised at how much better you'll feel once you start taking action.

Finally, don't forget to take care of yourself. Worry can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Make sure to eat healthy, exercise, and get plenty of rest. When you take care of yourself, you'll be better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way.


If you're someone who struggles with anxiety or fear, know that you're not alone. Millions of people deal with these issues on a daily basis. While it can be difficult to manage, there are ways to overcome your fear. Remember that fear is a natural emotion and it's okay to feel it.

 But don't let it control you. With a little bit of effort, you can manage your fear and live a life full of confidence! In this article, we've shared 11 tips on how to do just that. We hope that by the end, you have a better understanding of how to manage your fears and are one step closer to conquering them!

As you can appreciate, changing the way you think can have a huge impact on your life, and if you want to know more about developing an inspirational mindset for success, please click on the featured resource below for a free Strong Mindset report; download, read it and take action 😊

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Create A Morning Routine That Motivates You

17th November
By Jason Daly

Create A Morning Routine That Motivates You

What would it be like to begin your day organized and inspired? It would be fantastic, wouldn't it? You would be confident that all was in order, know exactly what to do, and feel great.

Surprisingly, it doesn't take a lot to get off to a good start every day. All you have to do is develop a morning routine which encourages and equips you for success every day.

A morning habit, or routine, is one of the keys of success for individuals who are really successful in their lives and businesses/careers. It doesn't have to be complicated, and it really doesn't have to take a long time to create or to follow.

It will need a commitment from you at first to plan it and then you will need to practice it daily, so it becomes a discipline that occurs without you needing to intentionally work at it.

The most focused and organized people's morning routines typically contain the following things:

Get Up Early

Forget about extended lie-ins and hitting the snooze button every 5 minutes. Try setting your alarm an hour (or maybe two) earlier than usual and watch your productivity skyrocket.

An early morning start might not come easy at first, but as long as you get enough sleep and go to bed earlier, you'll soon see the benefits.

Use Positive Visualization

Try setting the tone for your day by giving it a big push. Visualize your accomplishment right away. Use positive statements and keep them visible so you can view them regularly to increase their effectiveness.

If you do this stage within the first 15-20 minutes of waking, you will have a better chance of succeeding because you will be able to access your subconscious mind before your conscious mind awakens and ‘ruins things’ by taking over!

Get Some Exercise

Exercise will help to wake up your entire body by getting your heart pumping oxygen-rich blood throughout it, and your body in general. You don't have to run 5 miles every day.

Gentle exercise, such as Tai Chi, morning stretching or yoga could be part of your workout routine to help calm and centre you while also providing time for quiet contemplation.

Drink Enough

Maintain your body's hydration. Many people begin their morning with a glass of lemon water. Green juices or herbal teas are other fantastic options for an early morning drink to kickstart your day.


Make sure you know precisely what has to be done if you hope to have a good day. Prepare a to-do list and determine the priority order. Ensure that the list isn't too long; 10 items or less is ideal.


A balanced breakfast is an excellent method to energize your body for the rest of the day. You'll feel more awake and capable of concentrating on the activities at hand.


Spending a few minutes reading something uplifting or educational can make you feel more positive and driven. You don't have to read for a long period; merely 10 minutes can really get your mind functioning and your motivation going.

Morning reading ideas include self-help/personal development books or autobiographies and biographies of successful folks who might inspire you and serve as role models.

Money Tasks

Before you leave for your commute or start your day at home, it's crucial to do something that may either generate you money or keep you from wasting money.

Prep your meals for the day so you aren't tempted to order takeout at the end of the day. Make sure the dishwasher is filled and the kitchen countertops are clean and clear so you don't have to think about it. Pay your invoices on time to avoid overdue notices and costs.

If you want to have a great day, you must begin with a positive attitude. Having a morning routine can guarantee that your days are well-organized and that you are motivated from the very beginning.

Now that you have a fantastic morning routine and a task that has to be completed, you are inspired to execute it. However, that is only the beginning...

6 Steps To Get Into The Zone

You have a mission that you must perform. It's something you want to do, and it's challenging enough to keep you focused and on target without making you worried or doubting your skills.

What's the best approach to go about it? Get into the zone, and you'll discover that you'll finish it faster than you imagined possible. So, how do you enter the zone?

Here are 6 basic steps that will help you get into the flow.

Step 1: Give Yourself Time - Make sure you allow yourself adequate time to finish the task. You'll need a suitable environment for that.

Step 2: Adjust Your Environment - You will require a quiet, comfortable, and distraction-free working environment. Check that you are dressed comfortably and appropriately, that you have used the restroom, that you have eaten and drank something, and that the room temperature is comfortable for you.

Step 3: Focus On The Process - While working toward an end result (target), it is critical to focus on the activity itself. You can then free your ideas and problem-solving talents by removing any expectations and limiting thoughts.

Step 4: Engage Your Emotions - Because being in the zone is a good state of being, you must be alert and totally involved. Negative emotions will simply reduce your capacity to enter and stay in the flow state.

Step 5: Take Action - Keep the momentum rolling by remaining in a state of action. It is critical not to pause and contemplate since this will stop negative feelings such as self-doubt from coming in. You must remain completely immersed in the action, with no sense of yourself or your own ego.

Step 6: Practice - As they say, "practice makes perfect." Therefore, by repeatedly putting yourself in the zone, you'll develop your unique series of rituals and triggers that will help in entering the flow state. Your body will adjust as they eventually become second nature by accessing the zone quicker and easier.

If you want to enter the zone and make wonderful things happen, follow the six simple actions outlined above. Regular practice will assist you in developing your own set of triggers and rituals to help make the process easier. By doing this, you have the opportunity to live a more full and enriching life.

If you want to know more about being productive, then check out the Featured Resource below for a free report; download, read it and take action 😊

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5 Success Principles Every Entrepreneur Needs

3rd November
By Jason Daly

5 Success Principles Every Entrepreneur Needs

Success leaves clues. If you look at some of the world's most successful people, you'll notice that they all share a few characteristics. It doesn't matter what field they're in or where they started... they all adhere to the five success principles listed below.

If you want to create your own business or grow your current one, you should follow the principles outlined below.

1. Have A Good Plan

"Plans are nothing," stated Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States. "Preparation is everything."

He implies that you must lay out your goals and the path you will take to achieve them.

What are your plans? What resources do you require?

You must plan everything. Life, on the other hand, has a habit of tossing us curve balls.

You can't foretell what is going happen, so you may have to change your plans... BUT... before you go into fight, you must have a strategy.

And, yes, reaching your objectives will be a challenge. So make sure you have a good plan in place and make changes as needed.

2. Helping Others

"You can have whatever you want in life if you simply help other people obtain what they want," Zig Ziglar once stated.

This is particularly true in business, where you must sell something in order to turn a profit. If your items solve a problem meet a need, or satisfy a demand, you can bet you'll sell a lot of them and make a lot of money.

It all starts with thinking about other people. You'll have a profitable business if you help people (and charge them for it).

3. Always Do The Best You Can

The most successful people are always willing to go the additional mile. They work more, train longer, and are continuously striving to surpass expectations. They understand the formula for success.

"Don't wish it were easy," motivational expert Jim Rohn once advised. "Wish you were better."

And that is exactly what the best of the best do. They are constantly striving to improve.

4. Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing

If you want to be successful in life, you must concentrate on what is important. Your energy follows your focus, and you only have a certain amount of energy each day. Individuals with exceptional performance are usually extremely focused.

They are rarely couch potatoes that spend all day watching TV. You won't find them wasting time Tweeting or screaming on Facebook. They have more important tasks to complete.

If you want to become successful, you must concentrate on actions that will lead to success. It's really that simple.

5. Be Accountable

People that are successful hold themselves responsible for all they do. They believe they are solely accountable for their own lives... and they will not cede control of their destiny to the government or anyone else.

A sense of entitlement is the last thing you'll find in most great achievers. They understand that the world doesn't owe them anything. So they attack their goals with a desire and drive that millions of people lack because they expect success to be delivered to them on a silver platter.

The five principles listed above are only the tip of the iceberg, but they're as good a place to start as any. Learn the fundamentals and gradually enhance both your life and business by eradicating procrastination, adopting healthier habits, and setting even larger goals. 

“Achievers - whether in business, sports, or the arts — are committed to continual improvement.” 

– Jack Canfield

How To Develop Grit

Grit is a character trait that reveals itself when one is faced with challenges, obstacles, etc. and he/she perseveres with steely resolve. It’s almost a stoic type of heroism that keeps you going despite all odds.

Grit is what you see in a Rocky movie when he keeps standing up despite getting beaten and knocked down repeatedly. 

When Greg Louganis hit his head on the springboard during the 1988 Olympics diving preliminary rounds and injured himself, he did not quit. Instead, he pressed on and won the Olympic gold. This is grit.

In order to succeed in business, you’ll need grit. Anyone can decide on a goal. Anyone can come up with an idea or start a project. But to go from conception to completion will require grit.

The good news is that grit can be developed. While some people are naturally born with such a trait, most of us can learn how to stay true to ourselves and fight for what we want.

Like they say, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

Here are a few ways to muster up that grit…

Know Your Why

If you hate starting over, then you should not quit. When the situation you’re in seems to be wearing you down, it’s important to know why you started.

In business, there will be times when sales may slow down to a crawl. Or maybe a marketing campaign does not work. Or you took a financial hit because you misjudged a situation.

All these setbacks are merely set ups for a comeback. But if you let these situations get the better of you and quit, that will be the end of it. You won’t progress further and your goals will never materialize.

So, spend time rewriting your goals and know why you’re doing what you’re doing and you’ll develop the grit to persevere.

Practice Makes Perfect

Grit is like a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger it gets. The more obstacles and struggle you overcome, the more grit you’ll have. 

You’ll have more confidence that arises from the knowledge that you’ve overcome previous difficulties and will have no problems steamrolling over the current obstacles in your way.

Do What Scares You

Set bigger goals. Take on more daunting challenges. The more adversity you overcome the more determined you’ll become. The toughest steel is forged in the hottest fires.

Push Yourself Every Day

When you’re on a quest to achieve a goal, there will be a plethora of tasks you’ll need to complete. You’ll often find that you tend to want to shirk the most important tasks.

This is your mind trying to protect you from ‘hard work’. It’s a form of self-preservation. This is why millions of people procrastinate and don’t do what they need to. Their minds don’t want them to be outside the comfort zone.

Make it a point to complete your most important tasks of the day first. By stepping outside your comfort zone on a daily basis, you’ll develop a stronger resolve and more grit.

After a certain point, you’ll have more self-discipline and will be unstoppable.

Try Kaizen

Kaizen is a Japanese practice of continuously seeking improvements regardless of how small the improvement is. It could be a 0.1% improvement daily, but that’s fine too. It’ll all add up over time.

You’ll be raising your standards and asking more of yourself. You’re ‘sharpening your sword’ daily. A few months from now, these daily improvements will transform your life for the better.

Never, Ever Quit

Finally, grit might mean just NOT quitting no matter how tough it gets. There may be times when success in business may come down to you withstanding the constant onslaught of obstacles that life throws at you.

When you can’t withstand and you’re tired of fighting, then just stand. Sometimes doing nothing and just staying calm is all you need to do – instead of quitting.

When you collect yourself, you can summon the courage and fortitude to keep going. That’s what grit is all about. 

Just take one step after another gingerly no matter how steep or precarious the slope may be. Progress may be slow… but it’s still progress. That’s how you do it.

“True grit is making a decision and standing by it, doing what must be done. No moral man can have peace of mind if he leaves undone what he knows he should have done.” - John Wayne

As you probably already know, having a strong mindset is critical to any attempt to achieving success, so click on the featured resource below to get a free report on how to develop a strong mindset. Download, it read and take action 😊

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7 Tips On How To Improve Focus

27th October
By Jason Daly

7 Tips On How To Improve Focus 

Perhaps you wish to concentrate on a particular task but discover that you get sidetracked quickly. 

Your mind wanders, you worry constantly, or you may simply have too many things to accomplish to choose just one to start with, making it difficult for you to concentrate on what you are doing.

Here are some helpful tips for sharpening your focus.


Make an effort to set aside at least 30 minutes per day for meditation. You can still practice a quick breathing exercise if you can't commit to that much time. 

Concentrate on your breathing, paying close attention to the air as it enters your lips and hits your nose. What does it feel like as it flees? There's a chance that you'll daydream and have an infinite stream of ideas. When this occurs, shift your attention back to your breathing. For a few minutes, keep doing this.

Your circulatory system will relax, and you'll feel more at ease if you can control your breathing.


Listen to music to help improve your focus. 

Really concentrate on the music. 

Try to focus on a single instrument.

Cut Goals Into Small Targets

It's ok to have an end goal to work towards, but don't concentrate on it to much while you're working on it, as this can hamper your progress because it may appear to be too difficult to achieve.

It might not seem like you are getting any closer to the end, and your results won't come quickly enough. Instead of focusing on the overarching objective, divide it into shorter-term objectives that you can accomplish in a matter of days.

As you accomplish each smaller goal on your list, cross it off.

Listen To Your Time Clock

Work within the time that your body finds most comfortable. Perhaps you perform your best work just before dawn. Or maybe later at night. Work during your most productive times.

For instance, many authors start their writing early in the morning, whereas painters frequently do their best work later in the day.

Eat Lighter Meals

Have you ever consumed a substantial lunch while working only to feel sluggish and heavy all afternoon? A large meal slows you down and induces sleep.

You can regularly engage in a brief juice fast if you feel the need or desire to. It will keep you attentive and help you maintain good physical health.

Exercise (Mind And Body)

Every day, give your body and mind a workout. Complete crossword puzzles. Participate in spirited debates. Create something innovative.

All you need to maintain a healthy body is a simple daily stroll for 30 minutes.

Force Yourself

When you're feeling lazy, you might need to exert some effort and push yourself. However, if you are experiencing a mental block, step away from the work for a while. Do something else until you can refocus on the initial work.

It will take time to learn how to focus better, but it will be worthwhile.

Start by incorporating one or two of these suggestions into your daily routine to start improving your ability to focus.

Strategies To Improve Focus

You'd be shocked at how many individuals have no real where their time goes. Although people may believe they are concentrated on a particular task, are they really?

Keeping track of your time spending for a week is one approach to find out. You might realize that you've been idly spending time by, for example, checking Facebook once every hour.

Here are some of my tips for sharpening your attention and boosting your productivity:

1. Track your time. Analyze the results after a week. Tweak and get rid of time wasters.

2. Plan your week. Find a quiet area at the end of the week to plan out your week's tasks. Make a list of important projects and any related tasks. Don't forget to include any family activities in which you take part.

3. Prioritize your list. Sort your tasks by importance, from the most important to the least important. Use a calendar to schedule chunks of time (anything from 15 minutes to 1 hour) to work on each one.

4. Eliminate what isn’t essential. Delegate what you can for tasks that you need to complete but aren't your strong suit. This can range from mowing the lawn to employing a virtual assistant to manage your social media accounts for the week.

5. Set your goals. Break down big or long-term goals into smaller weekly or daily goals to make them easier to focus on.

6. Set aside a specific amount of time each day for checking/answering email and social media. It can be the first task of the day that takes 30 minutes, the last task that takes 30 minutes, or perhaps the task that takes 15 minutes before lunch. But only do it once every day. Stay away from pausing mid-task to check your email. The same holds true for social media platforms.

7. Do away with multitasking. Learning to concentrate on one project at a time takes some practice, but if you stay with it, it will become second nature. Before beginning the next project or task, complete the previous one. Focus entirely on one task at a time. Your productivity will actually boost as a result.

8. Make a distraction to-do list. We can easily get easily distracted thanks to the Internet. We immediately use the Internet to conduct searches whenever we need to look something up. "I'm curious what's going on Facebook." "What actor played that character in that movie?" " Tomorrow, how long will it take me to drive to the zoo?"

It usually takes us around 25 minutes to return to the original task after becoming sidetracked in this way. As a result, the next time you want to research something or have an idea, write it down on paper (or use an app like Evernote).

9. Learn to say NO. If you already have full day’s task list, don’t feel like you have to take on another project for someone else. 

10. Create an environment that works for you. Do you need a peaceful area free from background noise, from people, phones, and televisions? Organize your workspace to suit your needs.

Decorate it with calming hues, motivational artwork, and a cozy chair. Put papers and periodicals away or file them if you prefer to work in an organized space. Eliminate clutter. If you can concentrate better while listening to music or hearing ambient noise, then use that to your advantage.

11. Take a break when needed. When working on a large project, short breaks help prevent boredom and burnout. Get up and walk around for a few minutes. Practice yoga stretches.

12. Break up or Chunk it. Divide your activities into manageable time blocks with brief rest periods in between. Work on a task, for instance, for 15 minutes at a time.

Imagine you're writing an eBook. Try not to complete it all at once. Break it down. Spend 15 minutes creating your outline. Take a brief rest. After that, spend 15 minutes reading the first chapter. And so forth.

13. Use an app on your phone to boost your productivity and concentration. You can stay organized and keep track of distractions with apps like Evernote. You can download another app such as Brainwave to your iPhone. You can select options in this software such as Brainstorming, Concentration Boost and Problem Solving, or Memory Boost and Creative Thinking. Other apps might also assist you in maintaining your focus and productivity.


There are countless ways to increase your level of concentration and focus. Create a list. Eliminate all distractions. Create the environment that you want. You must decide what suits your working style the best.

Well, as I’m sure you can appreciate, there is a lot more to be learnt about increasing focus and productivity; far more than can be covered in this short post, but if you'd like to know more about this, then click on the featured resource below where you can pick up a free report, Stay Focused For Success, that covers this topic in more detail. Download, read it and take action

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