4 Ways To Find Topics For Your Content
The kind of content you’re going to need will vary and include things like lead magnets, paid products, blog posts, guest posts, newsletter content, video content, social media content and so on. That means you will need to come up with a whole lot of topic ideas for all of this content.
The question is, how do you generate all these ideas? That’s what this checklist will help you do.
Let’s get started…
Step 1: Check Paid Products
Your first step is to look at paid products – especially popular bestsellers – to help you generate topic ideas. One advantage of this method is that you get to multitask. Not only do you get topic ideas, but you also get to do your market research at the same time.
Here’s how to use paid products to generate ideas:
- Look for bestsellers. You can search for your niche keywords on sites such as ClickBank.com, JVZoo.com, Udemy.com and Amazon.com. Then pay attention to what topics sell well in your niche.
- Browse tables of contents. The idea here is to look at the tables of contents inside popular products in your niche, as each chapter or section may be a potential topic idea.
- Check sales letters. Search your competitors’ sites for infoproducts, and then read the sales letters. Each item in the bulleted list is likely a potential topic idea for you.
- Search Google. Here you search for your niche keywords alongside words such as book, video, membership site, buy, purchase, download and similar. The product as a whole will help you generate topic ideas, plus the table of contents or sales letter will give you even more ideas.
- Read niche magazines. Check the cover articles first for ideas, as these tend to be the most popular topics. Then read the table of contents to generate even more ideas for your next piece of content.
- Check PLR content. Go to sites that sell private label rights content – there you should be able to generate dozens of additional ideas for your own content. Bonus: if you hit upon a topic you really like, you can purchase the PLR and use it to create your content.
Remember, you’re generating IDEAS as you go through all these paid products. In no way will you copy anyone’s work. Rather, you’re just looking for topics to write about (using your own perspective, information and style of teaching).
Step 2: Browse Free Content
The next step is to check free content to generate even more ideas.
Check out these ideas:
- Check blogs. Each of your competitors’ blogs can help you generate dozens of ideas. Each post is a potential idea, plus each major point within a post can be a separate topic idea.
- Visit niche groups and forums. Another good place to get ideas is on niche groups (such as Facebook groups) as well as niche forums. View popular posts to get topic ideas. Also check the archives to see what topics come up repeatedly.
- Browse social media. Check your competitors’ pages on Facebook and Twitter, paying particular attention to posts that get a lot of likes, shares and comments.
- Visit YouTube. Insert your niche keywords into the search bar, and you’ll likely get dozens of videos in return. Each video is a potential topic idea, plus you can watch the videos to get even more ideas.
- Check SlideShare.net. Pay particular attention to the most popular presentations.
- Browse Quora.com. Each question on this site provides a potential topic idea, plus each answer will give you even more ideas.
- Subscribe to niche newsletters. Each email you receive could give you at one or more potential topic ideas.
- Check your inbox. Here you check the emails your audience sends to you, such as their questions. Each of these questions is a potential topic idea.
- Run a Google search. Here you can enter a broad search for your niche keywords and see what comes up. Or you can run specific searches, such as: [niche keywords] FAQ. (Each question and answer is a potential topic idea.)
By the way, if you are serious and want to take your content marketing and your blogging to the next level, check out the Rapid Blogging Blueprint. This is a premium level training that takes you through each and every step of setting up your own highly profitable blog and profiting from it. You can check it out here.
Step 3: Use Keyword Tools
Still another way to uncover topic ideas is to use a keyword tool such as WordTracker.com (or your favorite tool).
Simply enter your niche keywords, and the tool will return dozens of results, each of which is a potential topic idea for you.
Step 4: Check Your Content
You can also generate topic ideas by checking your own content on your blog, social media and other platforms. This is an often overlooked place to find ideas for new or updated content but shouldn’t be overlooked because it can be a real opportunity to find fresh readers.
As always, pay particular attention to popular topics (such as ones that get a lot of comments on your blog).
Then ask yourself these questions:
- Can you update this piece of content and republish it? Let’s suppose you’ve found an older, outdated piece of content that was popular when you first published it. Can you update the content and re-publish it on your platforms?
For example, if you have a gear list for bloggers that you created five years ago, you can update the list with the latest tools.
- Can you expand on this content? Let’s suppose you have a short blog article. Can you expand on each point in the article to turn it into a report or other longer piece of content?
- Can you turn this content into multiple smaller pieces of content? Let’s suppose you have a blog post that shares ten tips. Each of those ten tips is a potential topic idea, meaning you could turn each tip into its own full-length article.
- Can you change the content into a different format? Let’s say you’ve found a checklist on your blog (like this one). You could expand on it and turn it into a regular article or a report. Or you might turn a text article into a video, or a video into a text article.
If you follow the steps above, you’ll easily create a list of more topic ideas than you have time to write about. And that is a good position to be in!
If you really want to know more about the power of content marketing and blogging, you can take a look at the Rapid Blogging Blueprint training course or if you just want a few pointers for now you can grab the featured resource below for a free detailed blogging report; download, read it and take action 🙂